Character Description& Authors Note:

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Juliet- (5'6)
18 years old, living with her father, seeking there's more to life. She love's to sing and go to her neighborhood park to meet up with her close friends (Nate& Bekka)

(dark-long brown hair, brown eyes, light skin, skinny)

Michel- (6'3)

Juliet's father, 48 years old, hard-working but never cares for his daughter, except for giving her money. Owner of 6 Five Star restaurants in the city of New York.

(grey/black hair, dark brown eyes, pale, skinny&tall)

Nate- (6'1)

19 years old, he's living the life being across the street from Juliet. Plays guitar. And often makes plans with Juliet with his friends to play bo3(black ops 3) or any other ps4 games. (BECAUSE HE LIKES HER!)

(light/dark brown hair, greed/blue eyes , light-tan, tall&muscular)

Ruby- (5'7)

44 years old,Nate's mom, living with a loving husband across the street from Juliet. She loves Juliet and hopes she'll be part of her family soon. She's 45, happy as can be, and living life to the fullest.

(blonde hair, green emerald eyes, wears purple a lot, tan)


48 years old, Nate's father, he works/owns an engineering company (ABB). He's happy& healthy living a love life with his wife, Ruby. He loves working and having boy time with his son.

(grey/brown hair, light brown eyes, medium-tan, muscular-tall)
Authors Note:
Thanks for reading the story so far! I'll be posting every Wednesday so make sure to check in! Thanks!

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