Winning Love

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Louis Tomlinson exited the bank and headed up towards the garage where he had parked. It was a few blocks north and as he crossed the first street, his phone rang. It was Eleanor.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" he asked.

"I just wanted to congratulate you again!" she said bubbly.

Louis chuckled. "Thanks. I still can't believe we won." Earlier that night, One Direction had attended the NYC Music Awards having been nominated for Best New Artist. The boys had been up against massive artists such as Fun, Corrupted Decency, and Frank Ocean. Surprisingly for One Direction but not so much for their fans, the boys had come out the winner.

Louis was still in a bit of shock. It seemed like yesterday he was only singing in his shower.

"So what time do you think you will get to the restaurant?" Eleanor asked, referring to the celebratory dinner they had planned.

"Oh, twenty minutes tops, babe," he reassured. "The bank wouldn't accept my card for some reason so I have to find an ATM, but I was told there is one right up here. Yeah, I think I see it. After I get some cash, I'm heading straight there."

"Alright, see you then. And really, great job tonight. I love you!"

"Love you too, El. Can't wait."

He pocketed the phone and continued walking until he arrived at the ATM. As he began to feed in his card, a teenage girl burst out of the store to his right. Nearly running straight into him, she barely managed to elude him at the last second. Before Louis had a chance to ask if she was alright, she hurried to the intersection he had just come from, and waited for the crosswalk light to turn green. She was on the phone and Louis could not help but to hear her conversation.

"I know, I can't believe One Direction won! Well, of course I can believe it- they totally deserved it! And all those hours I spent voting for them, they better have won." She laughed and then paused, listening to the person on the other end of the call. "No, really, I'm fine. I don't want to bother you. The hotel is only a few blocks from here. And what else am I supposed to do? Wait in that creepy store until you come get me? Nah, I'd rather just run for it." She laughed again, this time at a comment made from the other person. "I won't actually run! I know, 'that will make me look vulnerable'," she said in a mocking voice. "Don't worry about me. I'll get to the hotel in ten minutes at the most! See you then."

She ended the call and Louis, whose interest had been sparked at the conversation, could immediately see the change in her demeanor. The girl crossed her arms across her chest and ducked her head low, causing her wavy brown hair to fall in her face. She cast a wary glance around her shoulder. Louis looked down, trying not to make the girl any more worried than she already was. She pressed the intersection button again, anxious to get to her hotel soon. Finally, it turned green. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she took off at a brisk pace across the street.

Watching her retreating back, Louis felt a knot in his stomach grow. This was New York City and a young girl like that with her bright red peacoat, walking alone, didn't exactly blend in. She seemed so sweet, staying brave for whoever was on the other line. Not to mention that she was one of his fans. One of the people who were the reason that he not only won that award tonight, but even had the chance to be nominated at all. Louis would never be able to shake the feeling that he owed his fans something. He paused for only a second, sparing a thought for Eleanor, but he knew she would not mind if he was a bit late. This was more important.

Making a decision that could only be described as incredibly impulsive; he grabbed his money out of the ATM and turned his back on the garage and his awaiting car. He wouldn't let her see him. He didn't want to create a scene. Only to make sure she got where she needed to be safely. The block ahead was dark, lacking stores and businesses. There were a few cars parked on the shoulder and a couple alleys branching off. The girl was about thirty feet ahead.

Louis knew he had made a good decision.

A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter! Fair warning, this is not a romance. Louis and Eleanor are too precious to not include.

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