Helping Hands

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Finally, the sound of the familiar ding filled the air and the elevator arrived. Ally did not even take the time to worry about it being occupied. Her newest desperate desire was to make it to the room without passing out. She staggered into the elevator and slowly dropped to the floor, leaning Louis against the wall. Again, his eyes were cringed shut. "We'll be there soon," she told him. Because of luck or maybe just that it was past midnight, the elevator was empty. The doors closed behind them and Ally quickly hit the numb thirty-four. The elevator began to move and Ally truly believed they were going to make it. She moved next to Louis and leaned against the wall. "Do you have your key?" She was not sure why she was whispering, but it seemed appropriate.

"Jacket pocket," he murmured. Unsure of which one, she reached her hand into the closest one and was relieved to feel the key card that would let them into his room.  She pulled it  out and held onto it tightly.

She took a deep breath and tried to steady her wildly beating heart. There had been too much stress for one night. Soon, the elevator doors opened as they reached the right floor. Ally had to hold in a groan. The thought of moving again was probably more painful than actually doing it. Reaching into herself for strength she never knew she possessed, Ally dragged herself to her feet, pulling Louis up with her. He helped more than she thought he would, which she was thankful for, yet it also made her worry. He was definitely straining himself, she knew.

They left the elevator to find themselves in a similar looking deserted hallway. The last steps were the hardest, but they did not have any other choice but to move their feet, one step at a time, until they stood in front of the correct door. Ally swiped the card and there was something immensely satisfying at watching the light turn green and then twisting the handle and feeling the door swing open. They moved into the room. It was a similar size to the one Ally was staying in with Emily, but much nicer. The first room was a sitting room with two plush chairs, a small couch, a glass table and a television. They quickly moved through that room, Ally dropping the key on the table as they passed it. Passed the sitting room was a kitchen, to the right the bathroom and bedroom. It was a king sized bed and Ally could not remember ever seeing something that looked as comfortable. With renewed strength, they moved together into the room and Ally released her grip on Louis as he collapsed on the bed. With the loss of that extra weight, Ally felt immensely better. She pulled down the covers under Louis and arranged him to be comfortable. His eyes fluttered open.

"I'm sorry," he began, but Ally cut him off.

"Stop that, now,” she said curtly. "You never have to apologize to me."

He started to speak again, but was broken off by another coughing fit. Ally's face softened as she stared at him worriedly. Finally, the coughing subsided.

"I'm going to look for stuff that can help with our injuries. Do you know of anything?" Ally said.

"No," he murmured.

Ally left the room and headed for the bathroom. She hoped Harry arrived soon. Hopefully, Louis' wounds could be treated easily. Anything passed common sense and she was a goner. She entered the bathroom and opened up the medicine cabinet. There was a razor, tweezers, a pack of gum, band aids and Advil. Alright, she thought. This was better than nothing, but what was she supposed to do about his stomach? She would have to figure that out later. Step by step, she reminded herself.

Ally took the Advil and filled a cup of water. As she grabbed the band aids off the shelf, she noticed there was something behind them. Hope grew as she picked up the object and realized it was a roll of gauze. Not only would it help Louis, but it was something she knew how to use. As she walked back to Louis, triumphant with her finds, Ally reflected on the only serious injury she had ever had.

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