1950s- (1)- Special Encounter

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The fifteen year old Anna Rosario was sitting in a car next to her mother, Patricia Rosario as they were being driven by heavy security. They were heading for an Agostini owned hotel in Las Vegas where there was going to be a wedding reception held for the marriage between a distant cousin of the Augustini head of family and a member of the Marciano family.

The wedding was held in Las Vegas instead of Italy since it was summer time and the Augustinis and the Marcianos stayed in America for the school holidays where their children studied in boarding schools for part of the academic year. In fact, the children of most Italian criminal families studied abroad to learn a new language and make friends with the high class elites.

Anna was so reluctant to attend this wedding. She was kind of hoping the trip they were taking from the airport to the hotel was going to be a long one. She did not look forward to having fun at the wedding at all now that her father wasn't able to attend with her and her mother. He was busy as with work and had to miss this party just like many other times when he wasn't able to accompany his family to weddings and birthday parties. Even at Christmas and thanksgiving sons times he was away. However, no one missed him except Anna and her mother. He was not well liked at all.

Anna turned to her mother and voiced her thoughts " Mum, I wish people didn't hate father so much. I wish people treated him like they treat you and I. Why can't people be nice to him and not be sarcastic about him every chance they get. I am sure all these people at the wedding all will have a shot at trying to say mean things about father."

Patricia smiled " Sweetie. They are just jealous of your father. That's why they are bitter. Ignore them."

Anna spoke " Mum, why would anyone be Jealous of father? He is normal."

Patricia started laughing and started to cough. Her daughter didn't know that much about her fathers past or present. She knew he was a good sniper and a well sought after employee of the Rosarios but she didn't know anything else. She liked to keep it that way. The less Anna knew the better. But when Anna turned eighteen, she was going to tell her their life story in more detail.

Patricia turned to her daughter who looked at her mother with questioning eyes " Sweetie. Your father is far from normal. Your father lives a life that many can't even dream of. He is the most skilled sniper in the Rosario criminal organisation and protected by your uncles. That means he is untouchable..."

Anna spoke " But no one accepts father as a Rosario though. He changed his family name to Rosario for you mum but no one looks at him like a Rosario."

Patricia smiled " What does it matter sweetie? But why do you think they don't accept him as a Rosario? It's all because all these other families are so frustrated with what your father has that they can't have. They are jealous so that is why they call your father still by his family name out of envy and make sarcastic remarks..."

Anna sighed " And what is it that father has achieved that they can't? Don't tell me it's " marrying you." It can't be just that."

Patricia laughed " But sweetie. That's a big part of the reason. Marrying me was something many were after but didn't achieve. So they are jealous of your father. My marriage nearly didn't happen because of how other families alongside my own went after your father."

Anna murmured " I know mum... I suppose so." She then looked out the window. She couldn't argue with her mother. It was hard to understand but she had to accept that was most the reason why her father wasn't liked by many. He was respected but not loved.

Patricia looked at her daughter and reached her hand to her golden Curley hair that resembled her father's. She started stroking her hair and sighed deeply with a smile. It was a miracle how she had been allowed to marry her beloved Roberto and have Anna. When first she was found with Roberto, everyone wanted his blood including her parents since he had dared to fall in love with his boss's daughter who was a well sought after Rosario.

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