The Morning

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Zuko's P.O.V.

I woke up just after dawn. Jet was nuzzled into my side, holding onto me like he was still afraid I was going to leave him. I slowly tried to get up so as not to disturb him.

"Already up Zuko?"


"Ya." I looked down at him. He was still in the same position as before but now He was smirking.

"I love you."

I smiled.

"I love you too, but some pants would be nice."

"I guess I could manage to let you get pants." he said his smirk growing.

"You could use some pants too."

"Nah, maybe later."

He let me up and allowed me to get pants on.

"Are we to the fire nation yet?" Jet asked. I chuckled.

"Not quite. One more day sweetie."

He groaned. "I can't wait any longer."

"You'll have to I'm afraid."

"...Tell me a story from your childhood."

I cringed. "Depends. Do you want it to be happy or sad?"

He thought for a second. "One of each. Happy one first."

I had to think for a good minute. "Well, this is actually one of the only good things I can remember  from my childhood.
I had a cousin and the only time we got to see each other was when we went on our family's family vacation. This one time we decided to prank Azula. He went and managed to find some berries that made a really neon pink dye. I stole a bottle of her shampoo and We mixed the two things together. You should have seen her face and more important her hair! It was neon pink for a month!"

He laughed. "Sounds like me. Can I meet him?"

A look of grief crossed my face. "He died in Ba Sing Se when I was 9."

"Oh, I'm So sorry."

"Its okay. You want me to tell you a sad story from my childhood?"

"That wasn't sad? You don't have to tell me it if you don't want to."

"I kind of Want to." I sighed. "Ever wonder why I didn't turn out like my sister. Well, My mother was the only one in my family that ever loved me. She was the sole thing keeping me from going insane. She made me feel loved. T-then one night she disappeared. S-she n-never c-came back."

By now my face was in his bare chest sobbing away my pain, or at least as much as could be sobbed away. He brushed my hair with his hand.

"Shh...Shh baby. Its okay. I'm here now and I love you. Okay."

I smiled a faint but real simile and  wrapped my arms around him, never wanting to let go.

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