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Angelica lazily rolled off her bed and walked out the room, the cold tiles beneath her feet making her cringe. She ran a hand through her messy hair and yawned as she walked straight into the kitchen. Her eyes were still closed as she walked the new house as if she knew it like the palm of her hand.

She opened her eyes and smiled lazily at the two boys in front of her. She gave them a confused look when she saw that they both had a mixture of amusement and shocked expressions, somehow their faces distorted in their own gesture.  

"Morning, weirdos!" She chirped happily either way making her way towards the fridge. She opened the door and pursed her lips as she searched for the milk, smiling once she got it. Angelica opened the cartoon of milk and reached for a nearby cup on the kitchen isle.

"What's up with you?" She asked while she poured herself a glass of milk. Getting no response but the stares she shrugged and brought the glass up to her mouth, drinking it in one long gulp. "Ah." She breathed out, sticking her tongue out and slowly licking the remains of milk on her upper lip.

"Oh." Ashton groaned in what seemed to be pain as he leaned over the counter.

"Fuck." Luke hissed shifting in the stool he was sat on uncomfortably. "Uh," Luke balled his hands into fists and looked down at his growing bulge. "Angelica, you need to go get dressed."

Angelica looked down and open her eyes wide in surprise. She had been living with her rents and then Michael for so long that she had gotten used to just walking around almost naked. Luckily she had worn a normal shirt last night instead of a see through one.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" She laughed placing the cup on the sink. She was internally screaming and dying honestly, but she kept it cool.

"Actually, just a bit." Ashton butted in pressing his pointer finger and thumb closely to show how much it bothered him. "Listen, Licorice we love you and all..."

"Hey! I thought we agreed that no one got to call me licorice anymore." She pouted looking like a small child.

"Is this what Michael woke up to everyday?" Luke mumbled as he eyed Angelica up and down not helping his situation.

"Yeah." Angelica turned to him and smiled. "To this beauty." She joked while playing with the end of her shirt.

"We're going to a water park today, wanna come?" Angelina nodded excitedly and smiled widely.

"Let me get my stuff!" She shrieked in excitement before leaving the kitchen and walking up to her room. 

"If she walks out like that tomorrow morning..." Luke whispered as he let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding in.

"I don't know about you, but I won't hesitate to have breakfast right here." Ashton whispered as he patted the kitchen isle and smirked.

"Dude, she's our best friend. Our deceased best friend's girlfriend." Luke whispered shouted as he tried to reason with himself. "We shouldn't be thinking of having our way with her."

"Your dick begs to differ, dude." Ashton nodded his chin at Luke's pants and Luke only glared at him.

"I... I know it's wrong." Luke said as he turned around to see of Angelica was around. "But... I got an idea."

- -

"I want to go on that one before it closes come on!" Angelica grinned as she grabbed both boys hands and dragged them behind her.

The whole day was horrible for the lads. They couldn't keep their minds off the offer Luke had laid out on the table that morning and, of course,  Angelica's petite body in that aqua bikini.

Between the water and the constant feeling of wanting to get rid of a boner was starting to annoy them. They had been an entire day at the park and now they were closing so when they went on their last splash they got their things together and instead of going home ended up in a hotel room.

Angelina questioned as to why, but didn't exactly complain due to how amazing the hotel was. She had been in the bathroom taking a shower when Luke and Ashton both prepared everything. The atmosphere, the bed, and got the mood right.

"Hey guys... I left my bag at the car." Angelina spoke through a small gap of the bathroom door. "Guys?" She called out when there was no response.

She sighed and walked out the room in her towel while looking around for her friends. She only found the room empty and sat on the bed, puffing her cheeks out a little before reaching for her phone ready to call the two boys. Suddenly, the door went open and in walked the kings of Rome.

"Where were you two?" Angelica asked while holding her towel close to her body.

Ashton smiled widely and kicked his shoes off. "We were just getting ice." Luke raised the bucket of ice and smiled at Angelica.

"Oh. Well, I think I need a favor... I left my bag in the car and I..."

"No need." Luke smiled placing the bucket on the small table and walking closer to her, as did Ashton.

"But I..." She looked between the two and got slightly scared. "Need to get dressed."

"No." Ashton leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Is okay. Relax."

Luke smiled and turned around, turning off some lights as Ashton kissed her neck softly.

"What are you guys doing?" Angelica asked very confused at the situation.

"We're going to be sharing many things, princess." Luke whispered as he kissed her lips softly.

"Angelica!" Ashton shouted making Angelica jolt up in surprise as she rubbed the sleep off her eyes. "We're home, are you okay?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, I'm great." Angelina blushed as she stared at the guys in the front seats of the car. "I'm... Gonna go inside. Not feeling very well." She rushed out before jumping out the car and slamming the door shut.

"Was she... Was she moaning both our names?" Luke asked with a small smile.

"Yeah, she was. I think we better put that idea of yours to work." Ashton laughed as he grabbed both his and Angelica's bags. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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