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675 41 15

Max was understood.

It had been a few days and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell somebody. Keeping it was like carrying a stack of bricks, and the absence of Tim made it twice as heavy.

Shelby came round today. Ross always has the most of Shelby's attention when she comes round as she knows Ross better than anyone else in the offices. However, after work, Ross invited her to come round to the apartment which improved my chances of talking to her.

Before you ask, I don't like Shelby in that way. The only thing I've learned from this crush is that I really don't like women in that way as much as I used to. But I did like talking to her. I'd talked to her about private matters before and she had seemed to be an excellent listener. I wanted to talk to her about the situation with her, however, this was not immediately possible. She was busy with Ross and TimTim for quite some time, but eventually TimTim had to leave to record his own content (and wanted to get away from me), and Ross decided to go out and buy us food.

As soon as Ross left, we sat down on the sofa and she asked me what I wanted to do. At my request for talking, she claimed a more serious demeanour. I slowly began to unveil my situation to her. She was very attentive and was actually really helpful. I could talk to her without feeling obliged to tell her anything that I felt reluctant to share. She gave me her personal viewpoint on the matter. She thought that Adam liked Ross as a good friend.

We would have talked for longer, but Ross returned with sushi. Then TimTim came back down and I returned to my room. I still don't want to be around him. I  then played Undertale until 3AM, which was, admittedly, a distraction.

I didn't want to think about the situation. At that point, I just wanted everything to end. I wanted to wake up with TimTim jumping on me, scolding me for sleeping in my clothes. I wanted Ross to stop liking Adam. I wanted Adam to like me and admit it. I just wanted everything to work out in my way.

But of course, that never happens.

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