Chapter 5

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When I woke up the next morning I was laying in my bed. I looked around, I don't even remember walking up here. I probably fell asleep on the way back from the party.. Then my mind drifted to Kyle.. I had such a great time with him last night.. Just talking by the shore. It was perfect! Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. I looked at my phone; 11:34 a.m. ; I quickly got up and took a shower.

When I got downstairs, Ty was sprawled on the couch asleep, then I quickly thought of a good prank. Well... Maybe not good more like childish and stupid but oh well! I got the can of whipped cream out of the fridge and found a feather(from one of my aunts many hats) and made my way over to the couch quietly, trying not to wake him. I jumped from how loud the whipped cream can was then I looked to see if he was still asleep. Good, he was. Whew!! Then I went to the back of the couch, and started tickling his face. He scrunched up his most a few times, then finally his reached up to wipe his nose off. Then I couldn't keep it in, I let the giggle escape between my lips. "CASS!" I squealed then dropped everything and ran.

I looked back laughing, to see he wasn't even chasing me! I stopped then looked around. "What the..." I was cut off by Ty tackling me to the ground. I screamed as we went down, the he started tickling me, then I was laughing uncontrollably! "Ty...s...stop!!" I managed to say between laughs. He reached behind him then pulled out the whipped cream can. I bet my eyes popped out if my head, before he started spraying my whole face with it. "Ahh!! No! Stopppp!!" I laughed, managing to get out of his grasp and running down the hall. All of a sudden I slammed into someone, crashing to the floor.i looked up and saw my uncle with an amused look on his face. "I.." He held up his hands then chuckled. "I don't even want to know." Then walked back into his study. I walked back into the living room to find Ty sitting on the couch watching tv. While I walked up stairs to clean up I stuck my tongue out at him, which he returned.

After I was cleaned up, I walked down stairs and layed on the couch. Ty came over and motioned for me to move my feet, I lifted them up so he could sit down, then set my feet on his lap so I was still laying down. He grabbed the remote and searched for something to watch. After what seemed like forever, we settled on The Avengers. Through the middle of the movie, I dozed off.

I awoke to someone knocking on the front door. I sat up and saw Ty was nowhere to be found. I groaned then got up and made my way to the door. I probably look like a monster, since I just woke up but I don't care. "IM COMING!! CALM YOUR TITS!" I yelled as they wouldn't stop knocking. I walked up to the door and swung it open glaring at whoever was standing there. And to my suprise, it was Kyle.

Kyle's pov:

I stood there knocking on the door as much as I could. I didn't get any sleep last night. I couldn't, with everything that was on my mind. I had to let Ty know what was going on. He's as much part of this as me and Daniel. I knocked some more until I heard some one tell, "IM COMING!! CALM YOUR TITS!" Then the door swing open with a scary looking Cass. She was glaring at me, or she was until she took in my appearance. I bet I look terrible. That event from last night just wouldn't leave my mind. "Kyle..." She started. I stopped her by holding a hand up. "I need to talk to Ty... It's important." She motioned for me to come inside. "I don't know where he is. But I guess you could check his room?" She looked at me with soft eyes. I gave her a small smile, the headed up towards Ty's room. 'Hopefully he's in there..' I thought to myself.

Cass' pov:

Kyle looked like he didn't get any sleep last night. And he looked pretty spooked about something.. I heard footsteps then Kyle mumble, "He's not here.." I looked at him. We made eye contact. I couldn't read the emotion he had. "Do you.. Do you want to talk about it?" Even though we still didnt know much about each other, I did care about other people's problems. He sighed, then ran his hand through his hair. He sat on the couch and I sat on the opposite side. He moved, so we were only a foot apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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