Fourth Chapter

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"Hey! You're the new girl ! It's Cass right?" A girl a with brown hair, braided to the side came up to me, seeming very excited. " Hey! And yeah. The one and only!" "Ha ha, well I'm Tamara! Come with me! I want you to meet someone!" Then she grabbed my arm and pulled me to god knows where. "Daniel!! I want you to meet someone!" A guy with light brown hair, turned around. 'Not bad' i thought to myself. He walked up to us and looked at me. "You're Ty's cousin, Cassandra right?" "Call me Cass." I smiled at him, which he returned. "Can I get you a drink?" "Uhh sure!" I sat on the couch waiting for Daniel. Then I felt a dip in the couch beside me, then an arm snake around my shoulders. I turned to look at the stranger. "Hey babe" he slurred. "Ugh. Get away from me." I pushed him off of me. "Awh baby doll, don't be like that." He kept pushing. "Dude, I said get off!" Just as he opened his mouth to say something else a voice said, "Is there a problem here?" Then the asshole if a guy replied, "Why not at all, right baby doll?" He smiled at me. I grimaced and tried pushing him away. "Jason, you're wasted. I think you should go upstairs or something." "Fine. Whatever..." He mumbled, then got up and sulked all the way upstairs. I turned to look at the guy who saved me when my eyes met with a pair of Deep blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me. "Uh yeah.. Thanks.." I looked at him then away quickly. "I want to show you something." He grabbed by wrist and dragged me outside, then down a path to the beach. My eyes widened at the view. "Woah." Is all I said as I took it in. I've never seen the beach at night, with the full moon up in the sky, and the little clouds here and there, it's beautiful. "It's better than being up there surrounded by drunks huh?" He chuckled. "Yeah." I smiled. He took a seat in the sand, and looked up at my while patting the sand.

The rest of the night was pretty awesome! Me and Kyle just sat at the beach asking each other questions about our lives. It feels pretty good to get to know him better.. We walked back up to the house together only to see someone puke in the pool. "Whoever did this, better get their shit cleaned up." Kyle's voice boomed over the loud music. He took me back into the house, and I was looking for Ty. 'Where the hell is he? If he left me...' "Hey Kyle? I need to find Ty." I said to him as he was making a sandwich. "I'll help you." Was all he said then lead me all throughout the house, while searching for tyler. I tried calling him probably a thousand times. I groaned, and leans back onto the wall. "He had better not have left. Or I'm going to kill him." "Speak of the Devil." Kyle smirked, the I whipped my head over to the direction Kyle was looking at. Okay ew? He was sucking face with some blonde on the couch. I walked over to him and stood in front of the two. "Ty. I'm ready to leave.." I awkwardly said, then looked anywhere but to them. I heard him groan, "Fine." Then he leaped up and guided me out of the house not bothering to say bye. When we were getting into the car Kyle was standing at the door. I did a little wave then hopped into the car, going home.

Kyle's pov:

I stood there in the doorway, watching the car pull out and leave. What the fuck. I wanted to get her out of my head, and she shows up here! Of course Daniel would invite Ty. Dammit.

I walked back into the kitchen and filled a cup up with vodka. I usually don't get drunk, but I just needed to tonight. I drank half the cup, and the room was already spinning. I wasn't even thinking about her. Thank god. Then some blonde walked up to me, smiling. "Hey.." She got cut off as I set her up on the counter and crashed my lips to hers. She quickly moved her lips with mine, she wrapped her legs around me bringing me closer. I lifted her up off the counter and made my way to my room.

We both layed in the bed. Her breathing heavy but getting slower. I got up and pulled on my boxers then pants. She was watching me while I slipped on my shirt. I sat on the edge of the bed while I put my shoes back on, "That was fun." I heard the smirk in her voice. I didn't answer. I just looked over my shoulder and did a half smile, then walked out.

The party died down mostly. People passed out on the couch, and floor. Most left, but it's going to be hell cleaning up. I see Daniel and Tamara sitting outside talking to each other. Actually, Tamara is crying! The fuck? I quickly walk out there and took a seat next her Tamara. Are you okay?! What happened? But she just cried harder and I hugged her looking up at Daniel. He had worry in his eyes, but I could tell he was beyond pissed. He looked me in the eye and knew he means he'll tell me later. I nodded and just sat there drawing circles on Tamara's back, trying to calm her. She was the closest thing to a sister to me. Her and Daniel have always been there for me, helping me out and other stuff. I never had any other family other than my parents, but they were always gone anyway, so I guess you could say I had nobody, other than Daniel and Tamara. Whoever did this to Tamara, has another thing coming. Me and Daniel will beat the living shit out of him.

I took Tamara to my parent's room. I lock it to keep people out of it. I unlocked the door and led her to the bathroom. "You gonna be alright?" I squat down to her level and look her in the eyes. She nodded then hugged me tightly. "Thank you." She whispered. I kissed the top of her head and smiled at her. "Do you want me to lock the door when I leave?" I asked. "Yes please..." I walked out of the bedroom locking the door from behind. I quickly made my way to the kitchen, looking at the time on my phone. 2:34 in the morning. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday.. "So.." I trailed off. Daniel looked tired, as he looked at me. He put his head in his hands leaning on the counter. "That fucking bastard. He almost Raped her!" "The fuck? Who?" "That dick Jared!" I stomach dropped at the sound of his name. "Wh-what? Jared? Like, asshole Jared?" I questioned, not wanting to hear the answer. He slowly nodded. "Fuck." When we were younger, Jared was a big kid. The biggest in the class. And no, I don't mean fat. I mean built! He made our lives hell in grade school. Constantly torturing us. He mainly picked on the three of us; Me, Daniel and Ty. The three of us were miserable! And he continued to make us miserable until he finally moved. And thank god it was all the way to California. "What the hell is he doing back here!?" I yelled. "Who knows.." He shook his head. "What are we going to do? You know he'll kick our ass. Ugh!" "I don't know, but I'm going to bed.. Here." I handed him the key to my parents room. "You and Tamara can stay in my parents room. Remember to lock it." "Thanks man." He patted my back, and made his way to the room. "What the fuck are we going to do.." I cried out. Then walked back to my room, glad that one girl was gone. I kicked off my shoes then slipped off my pants, and pulled my shirt over my head jumping on my bed and falling asleep


Sorry I haven't been updating! This whole summer has been hectic.. I'm moving!! And it's just been crazy. But I promos promise promise! That I'll try like hell to update more!

And I know, my chapters are short-.- I'll try to do better with that but, I hope y'all like this chapter!


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