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??? Male Pov.
Faster! We've gotta ditch these guys!
My dragon flattens its form to look like an arrow shaft. Whoosh. Wind whistling, air swirling, and wing beats fill my world. Whoosh. Whoooooshh. Whhhooooosssshhhhh. Whoooooshh, Whoooooshh, Whoooooshh.
Faint cries fall away to nothing.
My dragon cries, "Freedom is exhilarating, isn't it?"
I agree with a chortle, "Yes it is! I wish we weren't here on such urgent matters!"
My dragon agrees, "Ah, yes, that would be nice! Free from all of the responsibilities, jobs, and work! Ah those were the good old days!"
I sigh, "Yes, they were. Now, let's go! I hear them catching up with us!"
With that, we speed into the night. Swooossshhhhh. We dove into the water to fly undetected. I had mastered the diving technique, so we go down quickly. Swooosshhhh, splash. The full moon casts the water into a white glow. Under the water was like another world. I never get tired of it, no matter why I'm there. My dragon glides through the water like an arrow, quick and silently. Swish, swish. It's wings work to hold me on. Swish. Swish. The air in my chest fades, so I call on a special ability. No, not gills. The ability to become a water dragon. I swim beside my dragon, and we look like twin dragons. The water slides off us like air, and we twirl around each other. Swooosh, swish, Swooossshhhhh, swish. I look down through my blue eyes to my dragon. It smiles, and swims faster. It's on! We race for a long time, until we run out of deep water. Then we find a deeper channel, and the race resumes. Swish, swish, swissssshhhhhh. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle.
I call a warning to my dragon, "Waterfall! Fly out!"
We fly out of the water, right at the beginning of the falls. A beautiful valley full of lush greenery. An Earth dragon looks up from a clearing....

 An Earth dragon looks up from a clearing

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It roars a greeting, and we roar back. We continue flying, and the mountians loom in front of us.
My dragon wispers, "I sense another dragon."
I frown, and respond, "That can't be right!"
It groans, "Fine. But I still say another dragon is near, and it isn't Willow!"
We land on the mountain top, and I transform into a human.

I draw my blade. The red glow encases the sky, and I sit cross legged on the ground.
I pull some blade cleaner out, and begin to polish the red blade.
Going towards the tip, I rub a cloth down the blade.

It always soothes me, polishing my swords. The one day I polished a sword until it looked like silver tinted glass. I needed more polish after, but I was in the right mind to buy it.

I rub the red blade until I find out I'm low on polish. Then I just rub the cloth up and down. My body relaxes with each stroke. The glow gets brighter with each stroke, then it begins to hum. I keep stroking the blade, flip it over, and rub more polish (I found more!). The sword gleames like new.

My dragon wimpers, "I feel another dragon very near, maybe we should flee."
I retort, "Flee? Run? That, my dear dragon, is abandoning the mission. That is out of the question!"
She sighs. A familiar rumble fills the air.
She cries, "We're caught!"
I laugh, "No! That one is on our side!"

A/n Who is this mystery rider with a red blade and water dragon? What is his urgent mission? Who is he running from? I'll give yah a hint, he isn't entirely new....
P.S. The first media pic is a Water Dragon, the secound is an Earth Dragon!

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