Run away

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Run, Run, Run.
That is what Dark Rider is chanting through her mind. We fly to where Phionex had mentioned. A red glow lights the mountain tops. We landed on the mountain top. Hunter is sitting cross legged on the ground, stroking his red blade, then sheaths it.
He jumps, "I... uh... mul... Phionex... called me here."
Shock flutters in Dark Rider's head.
She wispers, "How often has he talked to you?"
He mumbles, "Alot. He gave me this. It was glowing red when he called me here."
Dark Rider reveals the sword that was glowing white.
He gaspes, and crys out quietly, "He told me to wait the one that rides darkness and has a white glow."
Phionex wispers, "Spar."
They draw swords. I look away, for a nap...
I need to spar with Hunter? I draw my sword, and leap off Luna's back. Hunter draws his sword as well. Shing, shing, shing. The song, "Lost Boy" by Ruth B stuck into my head. Bang, shing, shing thunk, shing. We become enclosed in a deadly, yet friendly, dance of arms. Shing, shing, thunk. Shing, shing, shing. I block one off Hunter's blows. We parry back and forth, and forget our urgent mission.
Then the reasons the song was in my head was obvious. Our swords worked on the melody, and a mysterious voice sung along. The voice was Hunter in his mind. I begin to sing in my head. Then we begin to sing out loud, and our swords are the melody. It was a beautiful scene. Shing. Shing. Pause. Shinggggg, shing, shhhiiinggg. Shing, shing, shhiiinnng. Then a red flash spooks us, but we resume the spar. The song dances out of our lips. The swords pick up the melody again. Shing, shhhuiiinnngggg, shing shing, shing, shhiiinnng. My heart soars as we sing and spar. We parry like nobody's business. We sing and spar for what feels like hours. I side step a clever swing of Hunter's, and he smirks. The song rings across the mountains, and soon another red flash blinds us. It was Willow. She nudges our swords, and we keep fighting. My heart flies like a dove. Shing, shing, Shinggggg. The previous song continues, and we spar for what feels like eternity. It is a comfortable eternity, though.
Phionex wispers, "Thank you, my lost boys!"
We smile as large as the mountain range itself. The song fades from our heads. We resume singing, louder. A hand touches my shoulder. I feel my breath catch. Hunter growls a warning. I spin, sword drawn. Max! He immobilizes me, but forgets Hunter. Shing! Rwoar. Max drops me and runs. Hunter extends his hand, and I accept.
I stand, and Phionex wispers, "I knew you were worthy. Nobody believes me, but I have proof. Here."
Shing! Our swords clash into an 'X' on thier own accord. A burst of energy surges my body, and a red flash fills the sky. My legs buckle slightly, and I glance at Hunter. Are my eyes deceiving me? Hunter was struggling with standing, tears on his face.
I ask Phionex, "What are you doing?"
He groans, "Trying to return to my friends."

Hunter wimpers, and I snap my attention to him. His arm quivers, and I feel guilt. I relax my arm, and more energy hits me. Throbbing splits my sanity, and the song starts over again. Hunter begins as well. Luna is behind me, and Hunter's dragon is behind him. Grrrr.... no.... can't let the swords fall....
Luna asks, "Says who?"
I snarl, "Phionex."
The song riddles the mountain range. A hand graces my shoulders. The energy pulses stop. Breathing heavily, I put the sword away. Hunter bows, almost kissing the rock. I turn around. My heart sails.
I cry, "Phionex!"
I hug him, but he dodges me.
I feel hurt. What?
He asks, "Who, are you?"
The Phionex was still in my head. Willow holds down Phionex's human body, and instructs us to spar like before. Hunter and I get more energy, and continue singing and sparring.
The voice out of my head turns off, and returns inside Phionex.
He cries out, "Dark Rider! Hunter!"
My heart sails.
Max cries, "What have you done?"
We all growl in unison, "Brought Back The PHIONEX!"
Panic lights his face as he runs off.
Phionex sighs, "I suspect something bad has happened. A little something called..."
A/n Dundunda...... it's over. Cruel, you say? No. Not really.... Just giving myself wiggle room for book 4.....
P.s. the media pic is Hunter's and Dark Rider's swords.....

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