Chapter 1

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Bo P.O.V.

Lester called me, he said there was two girls in the woods camping. Early 20s he said. I'm not going to say I like him helping the freak and I out but he does bring us home fresh roadkill and victims. I really don't need anyone except myself and I mean that.
I waited till night and drove a safe distance away and peered through the bushes. They were walking along the lake. One was a very good looking girl. Perfect body and beautiful hair. Yeah I might save her for myself before we turn her to wax. The other was a chunkier girl. Not by much but her body shape was weird. She was a lot shorter than the other girl.

"Jane why did we even come out here, this place creeps me out. It is so chilly." The skinnier girl seemed to complain a lot.
"Stop being such a baby Jill remember we are hiding." The shorter girl said, hiding? Do they know I'm watching.

I grew tired of waiting. I crept out of the bushes and clenched my axe. I waited till the right moment and swung right into the stubby girl's neck and the skinnier one was too shocked to scream. She began to run and I jumped on her. I tied her hands and legs then put a piece of tape over her mouth. I kicked the other girl into the lake. Sorry Vincent I'm not carrying two bodies.

Raven P.O.V.

I sneaked my way around the tree. I grabbed my knife and turned to look out. My mouth just dropped. There was this...guy! Killing my kills! I am so angry right now! I followed him from a safe distance. He carried Jill over his shoulder. He probably just wants to do things to her. Could have just asked her, that whore would give him anything. I watched him just casually carry her in the middle of a road in a town! I see it is called Ambrose. Once he disappeared from my view I walked out and looked around.
I opened the doors to a church hearing voices only to find no one even turned and looked at me except the pastor. Wait...he isn't moving? I walked up and look at the faces. Cold and emotionless. I touched a face, it had this weird texture. I dug into the arm and found a body underneath! What kind of twisted place is this? ...This is... amazing! I have to ask that man how he does this before I kill him amd Jill! Amazing techniques.

Bo P.O.V.

I throw her over and onto the couch and tears flow down her face.

"Don't worry angel I am the least of your trouble." I said flashing a sexy smile.

Raven P.O.V.

I look through the house window and saw him climb over her body. It sickens me. He is walking into the kitchen, now is my chance. I slip into the house. As soon as she sees me she starts crying. Of course Jill blow my cover! Seems you blow anything in sight. Such a whore. I take out my knife and go toward her.
"Hey! Who are you?!" The man shrieked.
"How dare you take my kills!" I said ripping off the tape from her mouth.
"Please Raven please! Don't kill me please!" Jill cried.
"Just like you to interrupt my conversation!" I scream.
"Please sir! I don't know what she is paying you but please I can double it I swear!" Jill said sobbing putting her head down.
"Like I would take the joy of killing you into someone else's hands Jill! He already took Jane's life from my hands!" I screamed.
"Your kills? What did she steal your boyfriend?" he said chuckling.
"Ew! I will never fall for anyone! This is just what I do to brats like her! Stop crying Jill you will ruin that horrible face!" I said back.

Bo P.O.V.

Am I starting to like this girl? She is as wicked as me! I never thought of having a female join our trio. This might get interesting. Her black hair was to her knees. It shined in the light. The name Raven suited her greatly. Her eyes to my surprise were a vivid yellow gold. She was almost like a Raven herself. Her pale skin was also beautiful on her nice body. Yes very interesting to me.
"All right Ray." I said chuckling.
"Oh you better be dreaming." She said back in a cold voice.
"You are so tough to crack aren't ya." As I said that Vincent walked down the stairs. He must have came from the wax chamber trap door. He looked at me then to Raven and was shocked I could tell even with his mask on. He just stood there.
"We have ourselves a new friend freak! I guess I stole her kills. Take her off my hands will you? Don't hurt her or I'll kill you! Her name is Raven."

Vincent P.O.V.

I just stood there stunned. He didn't tie her up or hurt her. She was holding a knife that was so beautiful. Raven...such a pretty name. I never really looked at a girl the way I'm looking at her. I shook my head clearing away emotions and nodded motioning her to follow me.

Raven P.O.V.

I followed this masked man with longer dark hair to a trap door in the floor. As we went down it was like a whole different place. It looked so evil. We went into this main room and there was a woman sitting there covered in wax. It looked like he was smoothing her out and putting clothes on her. He must make those people I saw into wax! My mouth grinned.
"So, I saw the wax figures in the church." I said and he stared at me. " It didn't take me long to figure out what they really were. How do you do it? The way you kill fascinates me! Whats your name?" I had too many questions and he just kept staring.
He cleared his throat and looked away. He started to smooth her out and sculpt her body delicately.
"M..........My name is Vince...Vincent. The guy you saw was my twin brother Bo. We have um...another brother too named Lester." He looked around shaking. "I'm sorry I don't usually talk to girls. Or anyone at all." He said looking down.
"Well I'm Raven....why do you wear a mask Vincent?" I asked and there was a long pause.
"Bo and I are....siamese twins...we were conjoined at see my eye but it is the only one I have. The other half of my face was in the back of his head. Our dad's seperated us....we have no mom....and dad now. They both died. My mom died of illness and my dad killed himself." He said in a raspy voice as he twidled his thumbs.
"Oh... I ran away from home at a young age. I move around. I had a rough childhood too. I accidently killed my brother and." I stopped and choked up. "My father tried to kill me. I ran and ran and didn't stop for miles. I was emotionally hurt by kids at school bullying me that...that whore Jill up there getting a face full of Bo and. I alon-" I was stopped in the middle of my sentence by two warm arms hugging me. Why is he hugging me. And why am I crying. I don't cry! I don't know why but I hugged him back.
"Thanks Vincent. I haven't had a hug in years." I said pulling away fast and wiping my eyes.
"Me too Raven." He said low like.
"Hey! What the heck is this?" Bo came in and plopped a naked jill on the table then shooting her with a needle. She stopped moving after a short while.
"Are you going to do the wax process on her Vincent?" I said curious.
"Wait...he talked to you! You have to be kidding Raven! Hah I knew he would accept you into our group!" Bo happily said.
Vincent nodded and moved his chair over to her and began to wax her face from hair. I stood up and went around watching Vincent.
"Well I'm going to bed. Wanna come beautiful?" Bo said in a sexy tone and Vincent paused what he was doing, waiting for me to respond.
"No I'm going to learn with Vincent tonight Bo!" I said surprising him that I knew his name. He nodded and went upstairs.
"You didn't have to stay Raven." Vincent said grabbing me a chair.
"I'm not missing out on watching this!" I said happy.
Vincent showed me every step to making the wax. He set her in a weird chair with faucets.
"Put your hand on this." Vincent pointed to a valve after turning on a couple things.
I put my hand on the valve and his warm hand went on top of mine. Why was I feeling so much heat when he did that? On my face it got hot? We began to turn it and after a few seconds hot wax started spraying out the faucets onto jill.
"Wow....then you just smooth it over?" I asked.
"Yes." He said slowly. "I can lead you to Bo now if you want." He said.
"No way I want to stay with you! I mean... I'm tired do you uh have a bed down here?" I said.
"Yes my bed is right here. You can sleep I will continue to work I won't bug you." He said.
"No! I mean... its really cold and it would be better if you slept too for your health so." What am I saying? I don't want another person touching me. A man???
"Oh okay." He took his apron off and slipped into the far side of the bed and the dog scooted to his feet.
"Cute dog." I said scooching in next to him. It was too late to change my mind now. His bed was so tiny. But I liked the blankets. I laid my head on his arm. I jumped a little when the wax stopped it made a sound then it was silent.
"Are you okay?" He said and I heard muffled giggles coming from him.
"I wasn't scared stop laughing!" I said wrapped my arm around his arm snuggling in.
That was the best sleep I ever had and I wish I didn't ever fall asleep. But I did rather quickly. He is so warm and he smells nice. I don't know much about him but I feel I have known him all my life.

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