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Here's the thing about love... You could be in love with someone so deeply and truly that you've never felt so sure about anything. Or, you could constantly doubt yourself and the relationship. Maybe you are in love with the idea of love and you think u love that person, but you really don't.

You tell yourself you do though, and you even start believing it. That's basically how all divorces end. You didn't really love them enough.

In my experience as a young individual, love is the feeling of total happiness and butterflies and rushing nerves.

Or maybe not. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I'd feels like to me, and maybe you feel it differently, or not at all, but it's there, lurking in the dark corner of your mind waiting until you lose them to pop out and say "YOU LOVED THEM DIPSHIT!!" Well congratulations, that's heartbreak
sweetie, and time heals scars, but not if they're deep enough.


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