1: Home Sweet Home

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            With the last of the boxed packed into the car, Mom pulls me into a bear hug. Her cheeks are wet and her blue eyes are rimmed with red. "Oh, baby... Take good care of your dad; on a flat surface he could find something to trip over." I smile and wrap my arms around her tightly.

"I will, Mom. That's why I'm going with him, remember?" She holds me at arm's length and smiles, sniffling a little.

"I know, I know! You take care of yourself, too! And don't get yourself into any trouble. Call often, and don't be a stranger!" I smile wider, and squeeze Mom's hands.

"We'll be back in about two weeks! And I'll call you in a couple days, after soccer tryouts." She nods emphatically and turns away from me to cling to Dad, her tears coming quicker. My younger sister, Shizu, comes up behind me and slings her arms around my waist and leans against me. I squeeze her shoulder and watch Mom stretching Dad's shirt as she hugs him. Dad himself looks like he's about to topple over and is holding onto her to try to avoid it. "It's going to be different not having both parents in the same house anymore... Not to mention, not even in the same city." I murmur, staring past my parents to watch the movers adjust stuff before closing the truck. They clamber into the cab and wait for Dad and I to be ready to go.

"It's kind of like a divorce without all of the fights." Shizu muses and I nod in agreement.

"Yeah... That it is; but we'll see each other often enough. It's only for a year, though. After that, we'll be back in the same house. Either here in Oto, or in Konoha." I look down at her and her big blue eyes water at me. I smile and bend down a little to hug her tightly. "Don't worry! I'll email you every day and you can call me any time! And, maybe, if you pout enough when we're together again Dad might just concede and get you your own cell phone!" She pushes her lower lip out and gives me an unhappy look.

"Nuh-uh! Dad won't! He doesn't dote on me nearly as much as you." I laugh lightly and ruffle her hair.

"Well, you have Mom to make up for that; pout to her and she'll get Dad to crack. You'll have your own phone by the end of the evening." Her cheeks stretch into a wide grin and she wipes the budding tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Kumori! It's time to go!" I glance up and Dad, his arm slung over Mom's shoulders. I nod back and squeeze Shizu tightly again.

"We'll talk soon; be good."

"I'm always good," she mumbles into my shoulder. "I'm the good child." I grin widely and mess her hair up.

"Yeah, you are. I'll see you soon, kiddo." Shizu trails after me and grabs Mom's hand as Dad and I climb into the car. I lean out the window and wave as Dad pulls out into the street.

"Bye, sweeties! Be safe!" Mom calls, her hand lifted out to us.

"I'll send a text when we arrive! Miss you already!" When we turn the corner and lose sight of the house, Mom, and Shizu I slide back into my seat and pull the seatbelt across my chest. Dad turns the car onto the Freeway and presses down on the gas, only five hours to go. "Didn't Mom want you to get a second trailer for all of the stuff so we could fly to Konoha?"

"Your mother did one hell of a job stressing the importance of money management; I thought this was more economical."

"And yet, I have an entirely new wardrobe, a brand new laptop, a top of the line cell phone, a king size bed with a super expensive sheet set, and you paid for an entire house to be built specifically for us. What part of any of that is 'economical', Dad?" I grin at him and he smiles sheepishly back at me.

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