3: Early Revelations

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My face is burning bright and I can't look up from my shoes. I run my hands over my braid, stroking its lengths as Tenten and Naruto are curled over laughing.

Yes, yes...

The reaction of the two of us was funny but you both have been laughing for five minutes now! I rub my forehead and scowl at Tenten who's shaking at my feet. Her brown eyes are watering and she looks like she's having a seizure. "Are you quite done?" I grumble at her, hanging my head. I nudge at her with my shoe, getting my foot close to her face. "Hey... quit laughing or I'll stick my shoe in your mouth." She rolls away, sitting up and pointing at me. She keels over at the waist as she laughs, holding her stomach. "Yanno, I'm seriously reconsidering my friendship with you people."

"Hey!" Tenten says indignantly through her laughter.

"No kidding... Naruto! Shut up! Seriously.... It's not that funny." I glance up a little. Sasuke's pale skin is crimson in colour, and his eyes are averted towards the windows of the room. "What are you doing here anyway? School's over." I roll my eyes and I feel the knot momentarily tighten in my stomach. I swallow hard, feeling a lump move around. I try again and I force the lump to go down, force the knot to loosen. I throw my arm out and point at Tenten, almost in an accusatory way.

"She invited me to join yearbook. Naruto also insisted I join." I shrug and push a few loose strands of hair behind my ear, readjusting my non-prescription glasses. "You make it seem like the new girl isn't allowed to join a couple clubs." I smirk to myself for the jab and I feel my braid, actually feeling the texture of it and find it frayed. I frown to myself and peel the elastic off and unravel it. My hair comes out glossy and slightly wavy. From the corner of my eye, I see Sasuke's hand tighten at his side and can almost feel the eye roll that accompanies it. I can also see that the red is also starting to fade from his cheeks as I twist my hair back into a tight braid.

"Not what I meant... The yearbook supervisor frowns upon non-members hanging around during meetings." Sasuke shrugs his shoulders and I can hear the thump of his bag against his back. "Yo, Naruto... Anything important today?" Naruto's laughs die off, but I can still hear laughter in his voice as he answers.

"Nah, but I have a textbook for you and a copy of the rules in my locker. You'll have to ask someone for details about your other classes. Otherwise, same old same old. By the way... You two seem to know each other... How?" I look at him sharply and find a wide grin plastered across Naruto's face. I feel that knot wrap itself back up in my stomach, making me feel ill, and my head hangs. You had to ask that question... I hear the shuffle of fabric and I jump when Tenten shoots up from the floor, her arms flailing through the air and cheeks a bright red from laughing.

"Ooh! I know! I know!"

"Yes, Tenten?" Naruto leans forward, balancing on his elbows and looking eager to hear her theories on the answer.

"Since Sasuke goes to Oto so often, maybe they're SECRET LOVERS!!!" Reactions around the room were instantaneous:

1. I feel my throat constrict, my mouth dries up, and I choke on my own breath. I cough heavily, feeling my head swim. I can't breathe... I feel something akin to shock shoot through my extremities, freezing my blood in my veins;

2. Naruto breaks down into laughter, collapsing out of his chair and quivering on the floor. I can feel the vibrations of laughter coming up through the soles of my feet;

3. And Sasuke makes a noise in the back of his throat; a scoff. I feel a trip and fall in my chest at the sound. My eyebrows pull together and I shove my bangs behind my ear, clearing my throat and ignoring the sound. For now.

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