2: Day the First

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Come Wednesday...

*Wah-wah, Wah-wah, Wah-wah!*


I scramble up, tangling myself into the massive duvet cover. I can hear the whir of the wheels on my alarm clock behind its wailing but I can't see it with my hair hanging like a curtain in front of my eyes. I hear thumping as the running clock retreats to the main floor. "Hsssh!" I sigh and pull myself out of bed, sprinkling some pellets into my Beta's tank. His pristine white tail fans out as he shimmies to the surface to eat. I rise to my feet and step, toes catching on the sheets and I fall.

I lay there, curling into myself with the cold hardwood stinging my skin. The alarm clock continues to ring and cry below the loft. I groan, in pain, and feel the stiff fabric of the Spiderman rug I had laid down at the foot of my bed. "Kumori! Get up!" Dad calls from downstairs, his voice so muffled that it's a miracle I can even hear him. I don't want to move, I don't want to get up, and I don't really want to start at a new school. I definitely don't really want to deal with new people, especially when I didn't particularly like dealing with people back in Oto. Finally, though, I pull myself up and trudge down the loft stairs. Bashing into the window seat, the running alarm blares and me and I kick it off before lumbering into the bathroom for a quick shower. I flick the tap up to get the water steaming as I tie my hair into a braid and wrap it around my head.

Fifteen minutes later, I'm towelled off and am pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and a tight-fit, long-sleeved Iron Man shirt. I opt to leave my hair in its long, sleek braid. I check the time on my phone and find a message from Tenten. See you at school. Don't be late! I smile and fish out my makeup bag from a vanity drawer. "Kumori! How long do you plan on taking? You have school!" I sigh heavily and swipe eyeshadow across my eyelids. I still have plenty of time to finish getting my makeup on, make breakfast, and get to school on time. Sometimes Dad panics about time when he doesn't need to; punctuality is usually a specialty of mine; soccer tryouts were an exception.

When my makeup is done I head downstairs, scooping up my backpack form against the shoji as I go. "KUMORI!!!!!!!" I sigh and flick my non-prescription Christopher Reeve-era Clark Kent glasses onto the top of my head.

"Chill, Dad! I still have plenty of time! Calm your horses!" Trudging into the kitchen, I scowl at him. "I have everything covered, take a chill pill. Now, step away from my stove." He holds his hands up and takes a seat at the breakfast nook at the far counter.

"How was your sleep?" He asks, the stool scraping against the tile floor.

"Fine, the cats were a little noisy at first but they settled down after they came up to the loft."

"Have you heard anything from that new friend of yours?" I hear the rasp of pages and know that Dad is pretending to read the newspaper, pretending to be intrigued by the day's current events when in reality his full attention is still on me as I slather bread in French Toast batter that I made last night.

"Oh yeah. She and I have been texting throughout the week. She wants me to hang out with her tonight so she can show me around. So, I might be home late. Do you just want to do takeout for supper tonight? Or will you wait for me to get home?"

"That's fine. I'll order takeout. Text me when you're heading home and I'll get delivery. And actually, since you're in school now and you're going to be working and in practice and spending time with your new friends, I was thinking of hiring a chef."

"What? No, you don't have to. I can still cook."

"It's too much, Kumori. You still have homework and studying to do."

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