poem 5.8

14 2 0

they say you'll grow taller.
they tell you it's just a phase,
that you'll grow out of it.
they say that things will change for the better.
what they never say is that anxiety will go away.
that's because anxiety sticks with you forever.
it never goes away,
we just learn how to cope with it better; at least some of us do.
yet others are still in their counselor's office
trying to breathe while the tears keep burning their eyes.
they tell you to breathe but you can't
because all you can hear are the thoughts rushing through your head.
they black out every other part of your body, restricting you from preforming the normal tasks, such as breathing.
now your hands grip your head tighter
telling yourself to stop the thoughts
but no they keep coming at a speed faster than light can travel.
they will never stop unless you stop them yourself.
they cause your chest to cave in
and your eyes to fill up until they overflow, but don't worry you've become a pro at this by now.

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