My first day

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I woke up and ate grabbed my bag and went to the end of my driveway and waited for the bus with my brother. The bus wasn't crowded thank goodness. We got to school and that was crowded I went to cafeteria after waiting outside for like 30 minutes then a bell rang and we went to the gym wear there was a presentation about the rules and responsibilities and stuff after that we were sorted into our advisory groups (homeroom) neither of my friends were in my advisory oh yay. We got to our advisory and got our class schedule
a-science b-English c-math d-social studies
We didn't learn anything in any core classes we had the usual get to know you get to know me and my class rule sorta thing. At lunch I sat with some soccer kids silently and went to business class learned about safety all week:(. I had to figure out what bus I was on. And went home. Gave the usual first day of school papers to my gram. And went to my room and talked to my friends from my old school (they hadn't started school yet they didn't start for another 4 weeks. I think ) 

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