I drive my way to Oklahoma. I drived all night and i was getting sleepy. "These things are everywhere" i say to myself. I decide to stop the car and go to sleep. The next morning, i woke up to the sound of banging on the car window. I get up and find that they're all around my car. I turn on the car and start driving. I keep driving and see a sign that says "now entering Oklahoma. The Indian state". Finally, I'm in Oklahoma. I keep driving "Damn, they're here too" i notice my gas was about out so i stopped at a local gas station and got some coffee. When i walked out, i filled up the car and started to drive again. But my luck ran out. There was a big horde of them and they started to come behind me. From my car, i spotted a military tank. "Maybe if i can drive my car to that tank. I can get out from the sunroof and get on and in the tank. I revved up my engine and at full speed, ran into the crowd of infected. I got out through the sunroof and stood on the roof. They noticed me and started to climb on. I quickly jumped off my car and onto the tank. Once i was on the tank, i opened the hatch and climbed in.

Patient Zero
HorrorChapter 1: introduction One night my wife suggests we start watching the news so we know what to be aware of. "Ok honey" i said with a smile. We turn on the T.V and change it to the news. The reporter was talking about a disease called "Zero" that...