The next morning, i awoke to the sound of Mary's voice on the intercom: "ok guys, we need to go. Now that I'm talking over the intercom, we might wanna hurry because this will attract attention so hurry." I got up, put on my clothes and grabbed the carrying case. I walked out of the room and to the mall entrance where there were infected trying to get in. "Ok guys" Mary said "we're going through the back entrance, follow me" she started to walk so we followed. She got to a long hallway "c'mon, its just up ahead" she said from the front. We walked faster and caught up to her. "Here it is, the rear entrance" she said. She opens the door quietly and peeks her head out. She looks both ways and pulls her head in. "Its clear, let's go". She walks out the door with us following behind. We walk outside to find a lot filled with cars. "Oh yeah!" Says one of the survivors. I get in a truck and turn on the engine. "Purrs like a kitten" says a survivor in a camaro. "Are we going to go or what?" Says an impatient survivor. "Wait, we're missing someone" says Mary. Then, we hear a scream. "Y'all stay out here, i'll be back" says Mary. She runs in the mall and disappears behind the wall. After a while, she comes back out crying. "Where were you? What happened to the survivor?" Asked a survivor. "I went in and looked around and finally found him but he was gathered by infected, getting ripped apart. He signaled me to go. So I did." She says crying. "Look, we feel bad for the lost survivor but we need to get to the evac" i said. She wipes a tear from her eyes and says "ok, l-let's get going". She gets in her car and one by one, we leave out of the parking lot. We start driving down the street and heading towards new Mexico. After a while, we see a sign that says "leaving Oklahoma, hope you enjoyed". We come across a gas station. We stop at the gas station to fill up. I get out "hey, i'm going to get snacks. Anyone wanna come with me?" "I do" says Suzanne. "Ok, let's go in". We walk into the gas station and pick out our snacks and drinks. We walk out and start filling up the cars. After the cars are filled up, we start driving again. After a while, we see a new sign that says "welcome to New Mexico, enjoy!" We keep driving and smash through the security gate. We stop at a hotel to stay for the night. That night i we woke up to the sound of a scream. We get up and get to the scream to find Suzanne being ripped apart. I walk up to the infected and beat them with my lead pipe. She hold my hand and told me: I...always...loved the start." Then she stopped talking. I started to cry lightly. I get up and wipe the tears from my eyes. "Lets get some sleep". I lock the doors and go to bed. The next morning, i wake up to the smell of sausage,eggs and pancakes. I walk downstairs to find Mary making breakfast. "Good morning". She says, focusing on the breakfast. "Look I'm sorry about what happened to Suzanne but we have to move on" i say with a small tear in my eye. We hear the sound of feet coming down the stairs. "Mmm, what smells good?" Asks a survivor. "I'm making breakfast rick" she says. "Well it smells really good" he says. "So when are we leaving?" I ask "we'll leave tomorrow afternoon". She tells me. Ok so what are we gonna do today? I ask. "Well we need more resources and that's really it". She says. The others come downstairs. "Ok so what's the plan?" Asks Patrick. "We're getting supplies after breakfast" she says. After breakfast, me and Patrick, a old buddy of mine, are sent to get the resources while the others stay back and improve the cars. "So what should we get first? Asks Patrick. "I think we one of us gets the food while the other gets the supplies." I tell him. "Sounds like a good plan". We split up, i find a general store and find some food. I take some food and go searching again. I find some weapons, food, blankets, clothes and 10 crates of each kind of ammo. We get back to the hotel at sunset. We eat dinner and go to bed. That night we hear the sounds weird of groaning on the outside. The next morning, the infected get into the house and start attacking the survivors. Some were alive, but some became overwhelmed and lost their lives. We get to the cars and start driving again.

Patient Zero
HororChapter 1: introduction One night my wife suggests we start watching the news so we know what to be aware of. "Ok honey" i said with a smile. We turn on the T.V and change it to the news. The reporter was talking about a disease called "Zero" that...