Chapter 7

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It. Was. Horrible. Once Aladdin was sent away, Jafar made the Sultan a puppet/jester to Iago who kept shoving crackers down his throat. I was just hovering next to his throne where my Lamp was, and Jasmine...well she changed. In a VERY bad way. See, Jafar somehow placed a spell on her to LOVE him. The worst thing is, it doesn't even seem like she was forced into it. She was ENJOYING it! She laid in his lap, kissing him! Ew! My thoughts were interrupted when she mocked her Father.

(Jasmine) - "Look at him. Pathetic!"

Jafar laughed in agreement, Jasmine following with an evil smirk.

"Uhh, Boss?"

He looked to me in annoyance as Jasmine bit into an apple.

(Jafar) - "What?!"

"Well.....maybe you should tell him to take it down a notch. I mean, do you want him to vomit all over the floor?"

He grimaced, seeing my point while Jasmine pouted.

(Jasmine) - "Aw, no fair!"

He chuckled, gripping her chin.

(Jafar) - "If you want, I could order for the guards to whip him?"

She swooned.

(Jasmine) - "Oh, Jafar!"

EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEW!That is just NASTY!!! That's when Aladdin appeared, to save the day. Jasmine rushed off to the side, noticing Jafar's death glare to the street rat.

(Jafar) - "You! How many times do I have to KILL you?!?!"

He fought against Aladdin as Jasmine tried to take my Lamp for Jafar, luckily Abu was quicker and caught it.

(Jafar) - "Oh no! Your time is up!"

He zapped Abu in a gigantic hour glass, making Jasmine laugh cruelly and Iago cheer. I sneakily went behind the two then knocked them out.

"Sorry guys, but this is a BOSS battle!"

Unfortunately while I was distracted, Jafar unraveled Carpet until he was just a ball of yarn. He and Aladdin continued fighting until Jafar turned into a giant snake then continued some more. I poofed into a cheerleader costume with a captial 'A' on the top.


(Jafar) - "You ssssssstay out of thissssss!"

I poofed a mini flag with a capital 'J' on it.

"Jafar is great. Now shut up and Al? BREAK HIS FACE!!!"

The two continued fight vigorously, but then Jafar was able to wrap Aladdin tightly.

(Jafar) - "You little fool. You think you could beat the most powerful being on earth?"

I heard Iago flap next to me.

(Iago) - "Squeeze him, Jafar! Squeez him like a--AH!!!"

I punched him in the face, allowing the two to speak freely again.

(Jafar) - "Without The Genie, you're nothing."

Aladdin struggled in his grip.

(Aladdin) - "The Genie has more power than you'll ever have!"

(Jafar) - "WHAT?!"

(Aladdin) - "She gave you your power, she can take it away!"

I shuffled nervously.

"Uhh, Al? I don't think you should bring me into this."

(Aladdin) -"Face it, Jafar! You're still just second best!"

Jafar paused for a moment.

(Jafar) - "You're right. Her power does exceed my own. But not for long."

He released Aladdin, only to trap me instead. I laughed nervously.

"Oh, just ignore Al. He probably drank a little whiskey before returning, you know--"

(Jafar) - "Slave, I will make my third wish. I wish to be an all powerful Genie!"

I sighed.

"Okay, fine. Don't blame me though if you don't like it."

I snapped my fingers, turning him into a gigantic red Genie. Wind began to blow harshly around us as he reveled in his new level of power. But then Aladdin grabbed his Lamp and sent him along with Iago inside of it. Making everything turn back to normal, including Jasmine. She and Aladdin ran into each other in an embrace while I poofed the black Lamp somewhere far away. I turned around to see Aladdin talking happily between himself and Jasmine. Aladdin looked at Jasmine in sadness, knowing the problem, I approached them with a bright smile.

"You know, Al, you still got that last wish."

He looked surprised and uncertain.

(Aladdin) - "But Genni.....what about your freedom?"

"Seriously? Al, *poofs next to Jasmine with an arm wrapped around her shoulders* this is LOVE. L-O-V-E. The ONE thing that is rarer than even the most precious and expensive of jewels in all the world! Believe me, I've looked back-and-forth repeatedly. So don't waste it."

He seemed to be deep in thought before looking in Jasmine's direction.

(Aladdin) - "Jasmine, I do love you. But I gotta stop pretending to be something I'm not."

(Jasmine) - "I understand."

Aladdin pauses then raises his voice so I could hear him clearly.

(Aladdin) - "Genni, I wish for your freedom."

"One Prince coming right--wait, what?"

(Aladdin) - "Genni you're free!"

Then my lamp shoots out glittery silver smoke that surrounded me until my vision was covered.

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