Here the Marriage List is introduced and will bear the names of the couples whose wedding shall be celebrated at The Marriage House.
No discrimination please because that's offensive and really cruel towards some people and will spoil the jovial mood of the couple and the party goers and the Judge/Priest herself.
If you're religious and would like a wedding based on your religion, that is possible too. Don't hesitate to contact Yours Truly.
And without further ado -
Lexay and I ~ @drastically- and @crowIeys
Grace and I ~ @thrilld and @crowIeys
Abhi and Ron ~ @mispaint and @insincerities
River and Jamilah ~ @riverthebadtomato and @aestheticirwin
Nora and I ~ @playboystiles and @crowIeys
Arabella and Jaq ~ @Nonchantly- and @authenticbot-
Arabella and River ~ @Nonchantly- and @riverthebadtomato
Sienna and Kaylynn ~ @lucidity- and @aurorescence
Mino and Mani ~ @nightgate and @mutedheart
Ron and River ~ @insincerities and @riverthebadtomato
Malek and Liv ~ Malek [specified] and @crowIeys
James and Kas ~ @JamesHughes- and @evocative-
Melle and Kas ~ @ghodess and @evocative-
Dev and Kas ~ @deviation- and @evocative-
Daniel and I ~ Daniel [specified] and @crowIeys
Maya and Cole ~ @fIaws- and Cole [specified]
Grace and River ~ @obstinately and @riverthebadtomato
Lillian and River ~ @Haiitslilly and @riverthebadtomato
Ron and I ~ @insincerities and @crowIeys
Zen and I ~ @hometowns- and @crowIeys
Lexay and Ghazi ~ @drastically- and Ghazi [specified]
Vanz and I ~ @tangentialx and @crowIeys
Kas and Arabella ~ @evocative- and @Nonchantly-
SaAra and Clarke ~ @mouldyvoldy and @clarkethevirus
Kaye and Michelle ~ @hellshow and @achillean
Grace and I ~ @obstinately and @crowIeys
Bethal and I ~ @majesticly and @crowIeys
Poppy and Sum ~ @lilacwaterfall and @sum001•••
Please comment your and your partners's names here on this chapter and I'll add them.
The next chapter will be Marriage One consisting of mine and Lexay's marriage because we agreed to get married at school yesterday and adopt a child that we'll call Puranda.
We aren't releasing any of our future plans right now so don't even try to intervene.
The Marriage Book
عاطفيةThe Marriage House presents the Marriage Book - the best advice giving and happy couple greeting book ever written in the universe. Inside are the rules you need to follow in order to get married and IF you are extremely smart, Liv will allow you to...