Hands on

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Part of the appeal of Girls Aloud is that everyone has their favourite. The media and even their fans are keen to label them – package them into neat little categories and commoditise them.

Nadine's widely regarded as the best singer in the group, is known for her almost unintelligible Irish accent and everyone raves about her endless pins. But the legs, that voice or even the thick brogue aren't what Cheryl considers to be Nadine's defining feature.

No, as far as Cheryl's concerned, it's all about Nadine's hands.

Nobody knows that Cheryl is intimately acquainted with them.

Threaded through Cheryl's hair, on her hips, her thighs, covering her breasts, inside her, Nadine's hands have been everywhere.


It wasn't something Cheryl observed straight away, because she didn't exactly make a habit of looking at other women. But once she'd noticed Nadine's freakishly long fingers, Cheryl became kind of obsessed with them.

She found herself staring as the Irish girl gesticulated while she talked, gaze rooted on those remarkable digits. Initially she put this new-found fascination down to the fact that she'd never seen a woman with such enormous hands before but it soon became apparent that there was more to it than that.

Every time she saw Nadine texting on her phone, reapplying lip gloss or tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ears, Cheryl couldn't tear her eyes away. More than that, she couldn't shake the perverse sense of titillation she felt.

Because she started to wonder what it would be like to have those hands on her skin, touching her. It was wrong, but Cheryl couldn't help herself or dispel the increasingly graphic thoughts she was having about her friend and band-mate. Soon enough, Cheryl felt compelled to excuse herself from the room whenever Nadine was doing anything at all with her hands because even the most innocuous gestures became obscene in Cheryl's mind.

The worst part was that Nadine, with her sheltered Derry upbringing, would be mortified if she knew the effect she was having on Cheryl. Or so Cheryl thought...


As it turned out, alcohol was a great leveller, and on Nadine's birthday, Sarah got everyone absolutely trollied on margaritas. It was the sight of Nadine's fingers wrapped around the thin stem of a cocktail glass that finally tipped Cheryl over the edge.

Fuelled by four glasses of the tequila-based concoction and incoherent lust, Cheryl grabbed the Irish girl by the wrist and dragged her to the ladies bathroom. Made giggly and drunkenly compliant Nadine didn't think to question this sudden excursion to the loos, nor did she protest when Cheryl hustled her into a vacant cubicle and locked the door behind them.

"Cheryl?" Nadine said after a couple of minutes when Cheryl hadn't moved or given any explanation for her odd behaviour, dark eyebrows drawing together in a look of adorable confusion.

It was enough to propel Cheryl into action. Decisively she reached for one of Nadine's hands and brought it to her mouth. Keeping her eyes locked on the other girl's, she allowed her lips to close around the tip of Nadine's index finger and gently bit down, watching as Nadine's own mouth parted wordlessly in surprise.

"Oh..." Nadine all but squeaked when Cheryl flicked the tender pad of Nadine's finger with her tongue before sucking the tip deeper into her mouth until it was fully enclosed up to the knuckle. Luckily Cheryl didn't have a sensitive gag reflex because she could almost swear she felt a nail tickle the back of her throat. Dark eyes widened almost comically. "Um... what are ye doin'?"

Cheryl released Nadine's finger with a pop. "What does it look like, babe?" Cheryl said with a salacious wink, pressing the other girl back against the cubicle wall. She let her eyes make a slow sweep over Nadine's lanky figure before her gaze settled once more on Nadine's hand splayed out against the cubicle partition. "It's somethin' I should've done ages ago."

Reaching down, Cheryl took that hand and planted it firmly against her breast, not bothering to suppress the sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips. "B-but – Ashley?" Nadine spluttered in disbelief.

"Hasn't touched us for months," Cheryl replied, trying to ignore the bitter taste in her mouth as she her thoughts turned briefly to her wayward husband. "But I'm glad. I can barely stand to look at him, never mind anythin' else."

She could see, feel, Nadine trembling. Cheryl wanted to put her at ease so she turned on one of her most devastating smiles, knowing that few could resist the full force of her dimples.

Nadine sagged slightly against the wall, a slack-jawed expression on her face as she stared back at Cheryl. "I always thought it was Kim ye fancied..."

At that Cheryl made a face. Yeah, she had snogged Kimba a couple of times when she'd been p!ssed but it all felt a bit incestuous really. Besides that, Kim was with Justin and there probably wasn't a couple in the world more suited and disgustingly happy than those two; once upon a time she'd thought the same could be said of herself and Ashley... What a joke that turned out to be. "I can assure you that I have absolutely no interest in Kimberley in that way," Cheryl said with as much sincerity as she could manage, given her slurred speech. "We're just really affectionate, is all."

"Your never that affectionate with me," Nadine pouted.

"Babe, if I was, I don't think I'd be able to stop myself doin' somethin' that might get us arrested in public."

That seemed to mollify Nadine somewhat because a shy smile crept across her face. She looked at Cheryl from under her eyelashes and Cheryl felt her heart leap in her chest. Then Nadine lifted her other hand – the one not still resting on Cheryl's right breast – and shakily traced the outline of Cheryl's mouth.

That simple, hesitant gesture was Cheryl's undoing; she could no longer physically restrain herself and surged forward, capturing the other girl's lips in a kiss that communicated months (years?) of pent-up longing.

When she felt long fingers sliding through her hair, Cheryl's eyes all but rolled back in their sockets. If this was effect Nadine was having on her now, she couldn't imagine how she would cope once... "Fuckin' 'ell," Cheryl muttered under her breath, breaking off the kiss prematurely, as Nadine's hand shifted from her breast to grab her backside and Cheryl felt a corresponding gush in her knickers.

"Did I do somethin' wrong?" Nadine asked, biting her lip, a blush on her cheeks.

"No, babe," Cheryl said with an emphatic shake of her head. Even she was a bit embarrassed by the force of her reaction and she felt herself flush. "It's just... well, it normally take us a while to get this worked up. I'm just surprised at how fuckin' turned on you've made us."

Nadine blushed harder, if that was possible. Cheryl grinned, "You're gonna have to get used to this. I swear like a sailor in bed."

"Cheryl, ye swear like a sailor all the time."

The Geordie paused to consider that statement then shrugged. "True. So maybe we should find a better use for my mouth then..."

The End

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