Because its just too hard

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Cheryl awoke from her nap at a loud banging. After her performance on live lounge she was knackered although a more probable cause for her tiredness was the drinks she had with girls the night before.

She looked at her bedside table for the time and realised she had been asleep for a few hours. The banging sounded again realising whoever it wasn’t going away. She pulled on a hoodie and went to answer the door.

   ‘I told you Kimba last night was enough I ain’t dri…’ Cheryl stopped ‘what are you doing here.’

Nadine stepped forward ‘I need to talk to you. Can I come in?’ Cheryl stepped aside to allow her friend in.

Nadine had definitely got skinner though she was one to talk. She also seemed agitated bouncing on one foot then the other, Cheryl was convinced if she bit her lip any harder she would draw blood.

‘What are you doing here’ Cheryl repeated ‘aren’t you supposed to be in L.A’

Nadine shook her head ‘I needed to sort some stuff out here. I heard you on live lounge’ she said.

Cheryl nodded ‘Look if I had known you were back I would have invited you last night.’ Nadine rolled her eyes but said nothing. Cheryl tried again ‘you wanted to talk.’

‘Like I said I heard you on live lounge. I mean I heard all of it I mean I tuned in like any band mate should.

Cheryl grimaced at Nadine’s use of the word band mate not friend.

‘A bit weird Cheryl A bit weird that’s all you could say.’

‘Oh’ Cheryl let out ‘that’

‘Yes that’ Nadine’s eyes flashed with anger ‘Cheryl everyone already thinks we hate each other that I am this cold calculating *Female Dog* who buggered off to L.A and left you in your goddamn hour of need. You did not helping the slightest.’

Cheryl went quiet and put her head down

‘Unless’ Nadine whispers this ‘its true that you do think I abandoned you’

Cheryl’s head shot up ‘no its not I really don’t think that at all’

‘Maybe it’s me I mean if Kimba had said to you let’s go do a duet you would have jumped at the chance to do it. I mean what is it Cheryl I mean I know we haven’t been as close as we used to be but I was offering an olive branch. Why? Huh why? Did you say that, there has got to be more then it’s a bit weird.

Cheryl was close to tears.

‘Well I think I deserve an explanation.’ Nadine said hand on hip ‘ I am waiting.’

Cheryl turned away from the angry Irish woman.

‘ Because’ she stammered ‘ Because I couldn’t give the real reason not on national radio.’

‘And that would be come on Cheryl I am not in the mood for playing games’

Cheryl turned for the first time looking Nadine in the eyes. ‘Because it would just be too hard’ Nadine looked confused.

‘ Being alone with you would just be too hard. With the other girls there is a buffer which makes it less hard.’

Nadine was sobbing now.

‘Am I that horrible you need to have someone there. You dislike me that much.’

Cheryl went to grab the younger woman’s hand, a gesture was rejected.

‘Nadine please let me explain’

‘No’ the Irish woman sobbed ‘ you explained enough I am going to leave you be Cheryl. Don’t worry I will only speak to you about the band. Sorry about Ashley by the way.’

Cheryl panicked this was not how she was mean to tell Nadine.

‘Please Nadine wait’ she cried out as her friend went to leave.

‘ It’s too hard because I love you’.

Nadine stopped completely frozen in time.

‘Its  not how I want to tell you but it’s the truth. I love you so much it hurts. That’s why I need someone there so I don’t break down at the thought of wanting, no needing someone who could never feel the same way. Someone I could never hope to have in my life the way I want them.

Nadine turned to look at her , mascara running down her face. ‘ Say it again’ this was barely a whisper.

Cheryl looked at her and let out the breath she didn’t realise she had been holding.


‘Say it again’ Nadine repeated stronger this time

‘ I love you Nadine Coyle and it kills me everyday to think of what could never be .

Cheryl didn’t remember seeing Nadine move and she certainly didn’t remember Nadine’s hand being on her waist pulling her closer. All that fills Cheryl’s head right now is the sweet smell of Nadine’s perfume and how close the lips she had fantasized about were to her own. Nadine licked hers and Cheryl thinks that is the most erotic thing she has ever seen. Using her height advantage Nadine grips Cheryl closer till there is an ant width between them.

Inching closer and closer their lips collided. It was a sweet kiss not too much pressure but enough for Cheryl to know that this wasn’t one of her fantasies.

Cheryl was jolted to reality when she felt Nadine’s tongue prod her lips begging for entry. They were wrestling for control each not willing to give it up.  Finally they had to come up for air.

‘Wow’ is all Cheryl can say was wow.

Nadine giggled ‘ I knew I was good but damn’  Cheryl shot her an evil look and threw a pillow at her.

A thought occurred to Cheryl ‘ What about Jason, I can’t be the other woman Nadine I won’t be the other woman.

Nadine shook her head

‘Its over I broke it off before I left L.A it was not fair to lead him on when I felt something for someone else. What about Ashley is it really over between you two.

Cheryl nodded and with that Nadine joined her on the bed. ‘ I want this to work Cheryl I really do’

‘ So do I.’

Nadine kissed her again ‘ that’s what I like to hear. Are we going to tell the others’ she said nuzzling Cheryl’s neck.

‘I dunno maybe we could keep it to ourselves for a while ok I can not think clearly if you do that.’ Cheryl giggled.

Nadine raised an eyebrow ‘ well lets see how well you think when I do this.’

Swinging one of her long legs over Cheryl so she was now straddling her. Leaning forward for the third time they kissed more passionately then ever. Cheryl was off again dreaming, taking in all sensations she almost didn’t noticed Nadine’s hand sneaking up her stomach. Cheryl pulled away looking up at the now grinning Irish women.

‘What too fast’

‘ A little we only just got together.’

‘ Yes but if you think about it we are seven years in the making and that’s a long time to make someone wait now isn’t it’ she winked.

Cheryl felt her resolve going ‘ well seven years is an awfully long time. And we do have this whole hotel suite we wouldn’t want to waste it now would we.’

‘ No’ Nadine said kissing Cheryl’s neck letting her hands wandering. ‘ It would be criminal.’

A few hours later Nadine and Cheryl flopped on the bed. Nadine turned to face the Geordie. She was a mess sweat dripping , hair all out of place. A job well done. 

‘What you thinking’  a voice cut through Nadine’s daydream.

‘ I was just thinking’ she said pulling Cheryl closer is it still too hard.’

Cheryl smiled into Nadine’s shoulder ‘ yes but for completely different reasons  it’s just going to be too hard to keep my hands off you.’

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