Chapter 2

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The day was dying down. There was slight rain and the sky was gloomy. It was quiet. Little sounds of cars roaring down the road filled the ears of Alyssa and Logan. The drips of water filling the empty gaps of silence. She lay quietly in his arms. His head on top of hers.

"Do you know the things people say about you?" Alyssa's soft voice spoke quietly. Logan let out a sigh and shook his head. "They say you're a player, that you date a lot of girls, that you cheat on a lot of girls. I feel like it's true." He adjusted his head so that he was looking at her.

"It's not true." He said quietly. He was exhausted. He could barely keep his eyes open. Alyssa didn't say anything back to him. She sat quietly thinking. She didn't know if she could believe him or not. He pulled her closer and rested his head on top of hers. "People say that because I have a lot of friends that are girls. I hangout with a lot of girls but they're nothing. Nothing but friends."
             Alyssa started thinking more. It's hard to tell what was going on in her head. She scrunched her face. Her eyebrows made an angry look. She didn't like the thought of him having "friends."

"I don't wanna be one of your little "friends." She spoke in an annoyed voice.

"You're not." He told her. She rolled her eyes.

    April 4, 2015 3:45. Logan gets
away with his second lie. Logan-3, Alyssa-0.

"What is this?" Alyssa asked in an innocent voice. He looked at her confused.

"What's what?" Alyssa propped herself up and out of Logans arms and faced him.
        "Us." She answered. He opened his mouth to say something then closed it. He opened it again, then closed it. By time he opened his mouth for a third time the doorbell rang. Logan got up to answer the door. Alyssa stayed put. He was gone for a few minutes. Alyssa sat alone in silence, thinking. She looked around, she walked around, she sat down. He was gone long enough for her to want to go investigate.

April 4, 2015 3:50. Logan goes to answer the door. 3:56 Alyssa goes to investigate.

She left the cold black couch and creeped around the corner to the front door. Two voices filled her ears. One was raspy and deep. It's owner, Logan. The other was annoying, squeaky, and preppy. It's owner, Tessa.
              Alyssa's stomach dropped and it felt like burning butterflies flapping around in her chest. She slowly walked up behind Logan and stared at Tessa who was now standing in front of her. Tessa's eyes darted from him to her. She instantly stopped talking and she was now taking shorter breaths.

"What's she doing here?" Tessa's voice was quiet but angry. Logan looked down to Alyssa who was now standing on the left side of his body. Alyssa interlocked her hand into his.

"I could ask the same for you." Alyssa said in a smart tone. Tessa ignored her and looked at Logan. He released Alyssa's hand and put his arms to his sides.

"We're hanging out." He casually said. He shrugged his shoulders and stared out the door trying to avoid eye contact with the two of them. Alyssa stared at him but he didn't look at her. Tessa stood in the door way.

"I'm your girlfriend." She said. "I don't want you home alone with another girl." She looked at Alyssa with a disgusted look. "Especially her." Alyssa rolled her eyes. She looked up to Logan. He looked back at her this time.
She shook her head and laughed.

"You stupid liar." She said calmly. She pushed past Tessa and walked out the front door.

April 4, 2015. 3:58. Logan gets caught for the first time. Alyssa moves forward in the game. Tessa wants revenge. Logan-3, Alyssa-1.

She walked through the gloomy day in the rain. The sky grew darker. Little drops of rain splashed on her soft skin. Completely ruining her hair. 1.....splash, 2........splash, 3...splash. The rain kept going. Never stopping, only getting harder. Her phone vibrated. She answered.

"What?" She asked in a harsh tone. There was a moment of silence. All she could hear was the rain in the background. The voice on the other end of the phone finally spoke. It was soft and quiet.

"She's not my girlfriend." The voice said. Alyssa rolled her eyes.

"You didn't deny it when she said that she was." Alyssa was mad.

"I told you it's complicated." He spoke in a soft caring voice.

"Either you're together or your not, it's not complicated at all!" She was yelling at this point.

"I'll tell her about us." He told her. She paused.

"There is no us." She said sharply. "Tell her what happened, then maybe there will be an us."

"Where are you?" He asked. He was sitting in his house alone. He sent Tessa home. He just wanted Alyssa to come back. He didn't get what he wanted.

"None of your business." She hung up the phone and continued walking. The rain was pouring now. The sky was black. Alyssa walked down the dark street where only few cars would pass by. Her brown hair was soaking wet and was starting to frizz. She slowly made her way to a nearby bench and sat. The rain was finally slowing down. Cars still roared by and Alyssa was still alone. She lifted her head to stare out into the dark lonely street. A black Jaguar pulled up in front of her. She rolled her eyes. A dark body got out and walked up to her.

"How'd you find me?" She asked annoyed. She got up to leave, not even waiting for an answer. As she walked by, the body quickly grabbed her and lifted her over his shoulder. He turned
on his heels and started walking to the car. Alyssa was punching and smacking his back. She was kicking her legs and screaming.

"Let me go!" She yelled. He ignored the hitting and yelling. He even ignored the whispers and stares of people passing by. He put her in the car, locked the doors, and drove away.

"What are you doing!" She yelled. He ignored her and continued driving. Alyssa punched the door in anger and stared out the window. Logan pulled up in front of his house. By time they got there Alyssa was asleep. He stared at her with caring eyes. He leaned over, kissed her forehead then got out of the car.
               He walked over to the passengers side and lifted her sleeping body out bridal style and walked into the house.
        The house was quiet and dark. There was only one lamp on in the living room. Logan placed Alyssa's feather like body onto the hard leather couch and watched her sleep. She took light breaths. She was soaking wet and cold. Her nose was slightly running and she was shivering. He placed a small blanket over her delicate body and let her sleep.

April 4, 2015. 4:36. Logan-3, Alyssa-2.

Alyssa awoke to big eyes staring down at her. She jumped.
"You scared me." She said rubbing her head. She looked around and let out a sigh. He didn't speak. Just stared. He looked down and nodded his head. This was his way of apologizing. "Why are you looking down?" She asked. She ignored everything that previously happened. She wasn't in the mood to yell.

Point Logan. Logan-4, Alyssa-2.

Logan didn't say anything. He just looked up. His eyes were red. "Why are your eyes red?" She asked smiling. She knew exactly why but she wanted to hear him admit it. He gave her an annoyed look then looked back down. "Have you been crying?" She asked. He looked back up.

"What do you think!?" He yelled.

Alyssa threw her hands up in defeat.
"Someone's moody." She joked. No reply. "Why were you crying?" She asked. She sat up on the couch and held her knees in her arms. He sat on the floor in silence. He sighed and looked up.

"You don't think I feel bad about this?" He said quietly. "I didn't lie, she's not my girlfriend. She's just crazy. I'm scared she's gonna hurt herself or even someone else if I tell her I like someone else." Alyssa stared, trying to understand everything. "I love her." He continued. Alyssa's heart sank when she heard this. "But I don't want to be with her anymore. I'm getting feelings for you. I'm liking other girls. I love her, but I don't like her. It's complicated." His voice was soft as he spoke. All his words coming out slow enough for Alyssa to take in.

"You have feelings for me?" She asked confused. He got up and sat next to her on the couch. He reached his hand out and held her cheek in it. His rough hands were cold. She jumped at his touch. He leaned in closer and kissed her lips. She kissed him back then he pulled away.

"Yeah." He said quietly. He answered with one word but that one word made Alyssa melt. She was more than happy and she didn't know why. She was wondering if she liked him back. She had feelings but she didn't want to fall for him. She didn't wanna be apart of his game. She didn't wanna lose.

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