Chapter 3

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"What are you gonna do about Tessa?" She asked.

"I'll tell her about us." Alyssa nodded her head.

Logan-4, Alyssa-2. April 4, 2015. 7:25 Alyssa falls for Logan.

Alyssa and Logan sat in silence, watching Dateline on OWN. This was Alyssa's favorite show. 7:50. The show soon ended and Logan kissed Alyssa on her forehead. His phone went off and he checked it. He smiled and started texting back. Alyssa, being nosy, looked onto Logans screen. She saw the name Brooke on the top of the screen. She didn't read what he was saying but she saw a winking face emoji and a heart emoji. Jealousy instantly sat in her stomach.
"It's getting late, I need to get home." Alyssa said. Logan looked at her then checked the time and nodded his head.

"Do you wanna get something to eat first?" He asked.

Alyssa nodded her head. Logan stood up to leave. He stopped in his tracks. "You need new clothes hold on."

Alyssa looked down and stared at her damped, wrinkled, clothes completely forgetting that she walked around in the rain. Logan ran upstairs and returned a few minutes later with basketball shorts and a T-shirt. He handed them to her and she changed. The clothes were big on her but they worked.
Alyssa thanked him. He just nodded his head and smiled.
"Let's go." He said. Alyssa smiled and followed Logan out of the front door. When they got in the car Alyssa checked her phone. Where are you? It was from Katie. Alyssa knew that Katie didn't like Logan. She didn't want Katie finding out that she was actually hanging out with him. So she lied. I'm at my aunts house. Alyssa smiled at her reply. Not a bit of guilt was eating away at her. At least not yet. Logan took Alyssa to Eatin' Park.

"Why are we eating here!?" Alyssa sat in the car refusing to get out.

"I wanted to take you somewhere nice." He started. "And cheep." He whispered so she couldn't hear what he had said.

She shook her head a thousand times.
"No, I'm not going in there looking like this. Are you crazy! Look at my hair." Alyssa said. Logan stared at her and smiled.

"You look cute." He said. She gave him a devilish glance.

"My hair looks like a bomb exploded on me, the rain made me ashy, and your clothes are huge on me and they don't even match." She crossed her arms. He leaned over and pecked her lips. She smiled.

"Will you please come in? For me?" He asked, giving her puppy dog eyes. She pecked his lips.

"Nope." She said. His eyes dropped into an annoyed look.

"Where do you wanna go then?" He asked. He was getting irritated. Alyssa sat in silence and thought for a minute. A smile grew on her face and she glanced at Logan with a huge grin on her face.

"What?" He asked nervously.

"McDonald's!" She yelled happily. He sighed and started the car.

"I try to take you somewhere nice and you choose to go to McDonald's." Alyssa laughed and kissed his cheek.

She clapped her hands and laughed more. "Thank you!" She said innocently. This time he was the one rolling his eyes. Logan pulled out of Eatin' Parks parking lot and drove down the street to McDonalds.

"Go through the drive threw." Alyssa said. Logan rolled his eyes again.

"Whatever you say." Logan rolled the car around and stopped in the drive threw.

"Welcome to McDonalds would you like to try our—" Logan cut of the lady before she could finish.

"No, can I have two double cheeseburgers, a large fry, and a medium Hi-C." Logan looked towards Alyssa. "What do you want?"

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