KingXreader (2000 words!)

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I open my eyes a pounding sensation in my head. Im lying on a rough surface, different from what I fell asleep on defiantly. I push my self up and look around. Im in the middle of the street! I stand quickly in a panic.
'What the hell happened last night?!!' I think to myself as i look around at the destroyed kingdom. My head pounds harder refusing to give me information. I hold my head and start walking down the street hoping no one was hurt in whatever happened to this place. A giant poster slapped into my face. I pulled it away and tried to read it as the wind picked up and whipped my h/c hair around. I smoothed the paper and read it out loud.
"King." I shook my head. That name sounded way to familiar. I let the wanted poster flap away in the wind.
"Hello??" I call out begging that no one answered. To my luck no one did. I kept walking my headache getting worse. I followed the road out of town and eventually found myself at a tavern. I don't remember that being there! Then again i don't remember much. I walked up to the door and walked in. A short blonde boy stood behind the bar table and some other people in really slutty outfits bustled around.
"Hello!" Chirped a female voice to the right of me. I turned my head to look at her. She had mint hair that covered one eye and looked so damn familiar.
"Hey?" I said hesitantly. She smile and gestured towards some empty tables. I shrugged and sat down at an empty table in the corner. I took this time to take a good look at the other people in the tavern. There was a dark haired woman sitting at a table with a magenta haired boy. Another thing i noticed about him was he had the most defined collarbones i had ever seen!
I jumped and looked at the seat across from me. There was a small-ish boy curled up on a pillow asleep.
Oops. I hadn't realized that this seat was taken.
"Oh don't worry about him!" Said a voice that sounded too happy. I whipped my head towards the voice. Another girl stood there in another slutty outfit. It was a pink top that covered just enough, and a mini skirt. I held my head from all the movement and noise in the tavern. "Can I get you anything?" She asked shoving her face in my face. I shrugged.
"Erm...a special or something?" I asked just making something up. She nodded and went off to other tables. I looked back to the boy sleeping across from me. He had tussled red hair and wore a colorful hoodie. I felt a hand on my boob and blushed crimson then looked up and saw the blonde boy from behind the counter standing there squeezing my boob.
"AI!" I slapped his hands away and he smirked cheekily.
"I was checking your heartbeat!!" He chuckled. I let out a puff of air as my head whirled. He seemed to be examining my back.
"What now??" I questioned getting annoyed with his pervy-ness. He picked up something on my back an it hurt. "Ow!" I whimpered. He dropped what he was holding and it thumped against my back. I looked over my shoulder and there flat against my back where a pair of milky white and f/c wings. I looked up to the blonde boy but he was awaking the boy across from me.
"Hey, king wake up!" He shook the sleeping boy.
The boy with orange-red hair peeled open an eye, it was a brilliant amber color and i looked away blushing crimson.
"Hmm? Meliodas? What is it?" He asked his voice sweet and calm. I kept my eyes fixated on the ground.
"You know this girl?" The blonde boy, Meliodas, asked gabbing his thumb at me. I looked up enough to meet the boys eyes. He held my gaze for a while. Then looked up at Meliodas.
'Why do these names sound so familiar?!' I racked my brain for answers but got nothing.
"No I don't think so, why?" The amber eyed one replied. Meliodas went back behind me and picked up my wing again, it tickled and then hurt. I winced and he dropped the wing again.
"Careful..." I grumbled as my food was delivered. I didn't eat it.
"Oh wait!" King said sitting up more. "I think I do know who that is!" He smiled. Meliodas smiled too, I blushed more. "I think, if i remember, thats Y/N from the more western part of the forest!" He informed. I rubbed my head.
Y/n yea, yea, that sounds like my name.
"Good you two get acquainted!" Meliodas chirped winking at King before walking off and talking with mint hair girl. King looked at me probably expecting me to start the conversation. I blushed more and pushed my food around.
"What brings you to the boar hat?" He asks stretching out on his pillow. "Usually fairies stay in the forest." He added. I raised my head to greet his stare.
"The-the what?" I ask as my head started to pound again. He smiled a warm smile that sent my stomach fluttering.
"The boar hat, you're pretty bloodied up. Are you okay?" I shrug and push the food around more. King reaches out and tilts my head to the side. I snapped it back quickly and stared him sternly in the eyes. "Im just looking to see if u have any bad injuries." He says warmly, my stern gaze falls. He tilts my head to the other side. "Oh wow." He gasps as he draws his now bloody hand back. "You must have hit your head really hard!" I winced as my head pounded. King looks me in the eyes. "How much can you remember?" He asks warmly.
" name is Y/n..." I tried to think of more but my head hurt to bad. King ushered over the girl who took my order an gave her some orders. She took my hand, and lead me upstairs, and into an empty room.
"Here, you can rest here Y/n. Elizabeth will tend your wounds okay? Just try and get some sleep." She says as i lie down in the bed. It was comfy and i fell asleep rather quickly, faster than usual, although i didn't know what usual was.


I awoke with a slightly less painful headache. I held my head in my hand and felt bandages. I looked down and saw bandages wrapped around my torso mulan style. I secretly wondered who had put them on.
"You must have a cuncution." A man with blue spikey hair some abs asked. I pulled the blankets up around me self conscious of my state.
"W-why do you say that!" I asked blushing. He snickered.
"Well you only know your name, and you have no idea who we are!" He chuckles. I racked my brain, was i supposed to know who this person was?! He shook his head.
"S-sorry, are you famous o-or something??" I blushed more. King floated in.
"BAN STOP ANNOYING Y/N!" He shouted. I blush even more! (If possible) Blue haired, Ban, chuckles then winks at King and saunters out. King burns up. I his myself under the blankets from embarrassment. I heard King sigh, i pulled the covers off my head making my h/c hair static everywhere. King chuckled and pointed to a mirror. I looked into it and immediately tried to smooth my hair. I failed. Me and king talked for a while after that. About the fairy kingdom and stuff like that.
"You must have hit your head when the grey demon attacked." King informed me. I nodded.
"About what your friend said, am I supposed to know who you are?" I ask looking at the blanket. King smiled warmly.
"Well we are quite well known...Legendary Seven Deadly Sins." He notified. I gasped.

I was sitting in a feild with 7 people. I recognized a few of them but we all seemed to be friends. I noticed somewhere on their body they all had a red-pink tattoo. All of them different animals. I looked down at my wrist and saw a red-pink tattoo there as well. It was a panther of some sort.
"TO THE 8TH SIN!" Meliodas called raising his glass. Everyone including me raised their glasses.

"Ohmigod..." I whispered holding my head. King looked at me concerned. I looked down at my wrist and saw a bright pink flesh wound in the shape of a panther. I looked up at king. "I was a some point..." I declared. Realization struck in his eyes. A girl in a jacket and panties strolled up.
"So you finally remembered?" She asked smiling. I was confused by what she meant but i expected an answer. "Years ago you where a sin, like us. But after a while you said you didn't feel welcome. Asked me to remove all the memory of you from our minds. Even from yours." She informed. King was looking at me with a look of disbelief. I racked my brain for some sort of clue that she was right but none came.
"What was my sin?" I ask shakily. The girl chuckles.
"Vanity." She informs with a sly smile. I just then realized that i was staring at my reflection in my f/c nail polish. I blushed crimson.
"Oh." I stated. The girl left the room with a smile and i looked over to king who was astonished.
"I remember now!" He breathed. I giggled and looked at my tattoo. It was a red panther. Vanity.


It was weeks later and i was on break from working at the boar hat. King said he had something special to show me. Despite the fact i couldn't remember anything the Sins filled me in on everything they remembered about me. I walked outside and followed King's Chastifol. It lead me through the woods to a giant waterfall, down a little ledge and in behind the rushing water. It was a cute little cave and King had set up a picnic.
"How cute!" I gasped my hands flying to my mouth. King blushed 50 shades of red. I sat down on the blanket he had out out and looked at the rushing water. I heard kings muffled voice and looked over to him. "What?" I asked grabbing some bread. He spoke up but i still didn't hear him. "WHA-" I started to ask louder but king just grabbed my head and planted a kiss on my lips. I, at first was shocked but eventually closed my eyes and kissed him back. Soon king parted from my lips because damn oxygen. "King I didn't know you felt that way..." I gushed out.
"WHAT?!" King asked very loudly. I sighed and kissed his cheek.
"I love you." I whispered in his ear.
"I love u too." He said back.

So what do you guys think? Its my first Xreader so go easy on me. Sorry if u expected lemons in this book i don't so those (sorry). Also i own none of the pictures i use. This chapter is dedicated to my friend Sydney so go read @justaghoulsenpai s story's!!! Im just babbling now desperately trying to get this to 2000 words. I've never had that many words in a single chapter did you know that? TERE was something else i wanted to say..... Oh yes! Requests are open! I shall do my best. Also I'd like i take a brief moment to mention my other books.
The magical life of me and murry
And a forests kiss

Those are my best books and i recommend them to you!! ❤

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