Imaginary nightmares

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It all started when I was 6 years old..

The voices, the shadows, the figures, the strangers, the disturbingly scary apparitions...They all started coming to me shortly after I found the secrets behind the normally chained up doors in the basement of our 'humble' home...


I remember it being a miserable, gloomy, gray, wet day in our decently sized home town of Shiganshia. One of those days where people seem non existent and the air is silent except for the distant rare sounds of cars rolling by through the glistening , rain wet streets in the late afternoon.

I was up in my room all by my lonesome playing with my 'titan tots' figures and my toy story dolls in the dull glow of the lamp placed in the Centre of my room. We had a fairly old house so the bedrooms had Styrofoam ceilings (which is why the only source of light was my lamp ) and squeaky hard wood floors along with thin glass windows with chipped and rotting paint decorating the outer wood surrounding them.

I have no recollection of where my mother was but my father was, as per usual, in the living room drowning all of his non existent sorrows in any type of alchahol he could get his hands on...Most of the time it was Liquor.

I never really ever knew where Mom was but she always looked scared..Tired...
She was always quiet..
I remember her always telling me
"It is going to be okay baby..We'll be okay"
Before she would cuddle me then leave not even 10 minutes later.. She'd never take me with her.. Though she would always come back around the time that Dad went to sleep every night then came to sleep with me.

Sleep overs with mom were always fun. Sometimes I thought I was funny because I'd say something like;

"Daddy thinks your name is Linda! I heard him on the phone today! Silly daddy"

And I didn't know why , but my mother seemed to be laughing. Her shoulders and body would begin tremble and she'd make quiet sounds and sniffles while her hand covered her mouth...Then she would hug me close and tight and tell me how much she loved me.

But of course back then I didn't know that my mommy was crying.

Anyway getting back to what happened, I became hungry due to not eating lunch that day then decided to go sneak some food from the kitchen.

Little me always knew my way around the house and how to make my own food in the microwave because mamma taught me how when I was younger. Most of the time I'd make my own dinner of zoodles or 'tv dinner' since my dad would be passed out of our couch with the tv still flashing with the football game he had been watching before hand just shy of 5:00.

I padded my way into the kitchen then stopped suddenly when I noticed something odd...I couldn't hear the distant fuzzed sounds of the tv....I couldn't hear the rumbling sound of my father snoring... And I couldn't see the gentle glow of the television on the wall at the end of the hallway...

"Daddy?" I called quietly as I quietly looked around the main floor of our home, padding around in the orange glow of our lamps while walking through the hallways.

Flabbergasted, I went to go back upstairs to my room when a strange sight peered at me in the corner of my eye...I turned to my side to see what I've never seen before, our basement door was open. It was NEVER open...

"Daddy?" I whispered quietly as I poked my head into the dimly lit and dusty area.. Hearing no response I waddled my way down the creaky stairs with my hands sliding down the railing...Now it smelled foul..Like...Make me gag foul..

Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I had to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust to the new found darkness while my hand rose up to pinch my nose closed to block the horrid smell..

At that moment...I saw something no human should ever see...Something horrifying...gruesome...traumatizing....... I saw my father...Looking at me with eyes filled with rage I've never seen before in my life...Panting as his hand clenched a tuft of hair beside his thigh...Which just so happened to be attached to....

My mother's severed head....

ALRIGHT so that was the first chapter of my first fanfic on this account. Chapter two should come either later today or tomorrow!! Let me know how you liked it!!

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