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Honestly, I was a bit shocked to hear my name coming from so many people. Sounding Happy to see me?

Now that was the rarest thing I have ever heard of. People being happy to see little old crazy me. Odd.

I walked into the large pale coloured room. It was what you'd expect of a mental hospital. Warm, furnished with fake flower vases on each window ledge, a small , fuzzy channeled tv held up by a wooden shelf in the corner of the room. And people all sitting at tables scattered around the room playing card games or domino's.

It looked warm and welcoming..Despite the barred windows and code locked doors . Along with the cameras that showed us we weren't trusted.

I didn't realize I was just standing there until I felt a tug on my sleeve, a quite agressive one at that.

"Let's go, Brat. What are you waiting for? They don't bite hard." He spoke coldly then dragged me to the groups of patients sitting around.

He then sat down in a chair then pulled another one out for me as  people huddled around us with curiosity..Though there was a person there in a lab coat as well..

"Well Hi Eren!!" The brunette spoke with loud excitement that had me flinching.

She was tall. Had glasses that seemed to shine with mischief, and brown hair swept back to a messy  pony tail.

"I'm Dr.Zoe ..But Please Call me Hanji. "
She spoke with a wide smile as the other patients spoke quietly among one another.

I looked over the woman as she wrote something down on the paper she had with her attached to a well kept clip board.

"I-I'm Eren ." I spoke as Levi scoffed with a small chuckle.

"They Already know your name , dumbass." He spoke with a smirk..I didn't know he had any emotions let alone be able to smirk.

Throughout the time we were down in that room, I learned the names of my fellow patients.. An anxious blonde boy named Armin, a long faced , egotistical douche bag named Jean. A man named auro who seemed to lack his own personality, a freckled , tall boy named Marco, a very tall , blond man with an under cut and piercing blue eyes named Erwin. And another tall person named Mike. . And a skinny brunette named Sasha.. who seemed to really love food as she says.

Though I knew they weren't the only ones I was to meet.

Alot of them seemed like they shouldn't be here.
Though I probably seemed that way as well.

-- NOTE.
I'm so sorry that this was so short and probably has alot of errors but I am very busy today and I couldn't write for long at all. I'm sorry Omg.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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