Soon, we were walking in a bunch down the street to school. By bunch, I don't mean just my sisters and I. I mean all of the teenagers in the neighborhood walking to school with us. Sometimes you were lucky to get up early before the crowd, but of course that never happened with my gang.We walked and talked, but as always we ended up splitting. Violet bolted ahead with her track team, Malley somehow ended up on the other side of the street while goofing off, Tessa was spread out in the crowd taking a serve for science, Aubrey ran into a pole a while ago as she was texting, and I'm left alone as usual.
All the sudden, something flew out of the crowd straight at me. I ducked and that something landed hard on the sidewalk. Once I realized it was a person I felt guilty right away.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized as I helped the girl up
"No, no, I'm fine" she said "It's just gonna leave a little mark, that's all. I'm Cadie, nice to meet you!"
"Did that fall hit your head that hard?" I said
"What's that supposed to mean!?" She sounded shocked
"Oh wait, you weren't joking?" I felt guilty again
"Of course not!" She snapped "Why would I be joking?"
"Sorry, it's just that nobody really knows me for me, just my identical sisters." I explained "I thought you were one of my sisters friends mistaking me as always."
"Oh, well at the moment I have no friends. I'm new."
"It's a shame you don't have friends. But lucky for you, I've been looking for that job!" I cheered
"Oh, wonderful! Because I've been meaning to hire someone!" Cadie joined in
"Great! The names Darby."