Chapter 6

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2 weeks later..

Kari's POV

Well. I gave into Rayan and we're slowly building our relationship back up. I know I'm stupid for that but I'm a sucker in love. Ray still lives with me but we rarely sleep in the same bed anymore. We're not officially together, just close friends at the moment.

"Babe! It's not milk or sugar." Ray yelled from the kitchen.

"Ok. I'll go to the store." I yelled back putting on some clothes. (Outfit in external Link)

"I'll be back in an hour." I said, before shutting the front door behind me. I got on to the elevator, going down 11 floors. I walked out of the building going to my Range Rover.

I started the car up and pulled out onto the street. I know it doesn't take an hour to get milk and sugar but I needed some alone time. Ray has been up under me these past 2 weeks. It's annoying but whatever. I pulled into the Walmart parking lot after driving 15 minutes. I hopped out of my truck and locked it. As I was walking in, I say somebody that looked familiar. I waved it off and put my purse in the basket. I walked around the store picking up make up, personal things, and toiletries. I went to the milk aisle and that's when I saw her.

The girl. From the airport with the babies. I walked up to her and spoke.

"Hi!! How are you?" I asked her, staring at the baby boy and baby girl. They both were growing and developing. They looked nothing like before. But somehow they still reminded me of Ray and myself.

"Heyyyy." She said nervously. "I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are the babies? They're growing so much." I said, cheesing because I loved babies.

"They're good!"

"Good good." I looked around. "Where's their father? I'd love to meet him."

"Um. He's uh at home." She sounded so unconvincing.

"Aw ok. Can I take a picture of you guys to show my boyfri- I mean my male friend?"

"Uh, sure." She said, picking the babies up and smiling for the picture.

Something is fishy about this situation. I HAD to let Rayan know. 

I said bye to her and got the milk and sugar. I walked to the cash register and paid for everything. Time to go to my place of relaxation.

20 minutes later..

I pulled into a parking space at Santa Monica beach. I usually come here when I need to think or just be alone. I took my shoes off as I felt the cool sand sink in between my toes. I sighed, walking to an empty spot near the pier. I placed down the blanket I kept in my truck just in case I came here. 

"Kari..." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Rayan. I rolled my eyes. This is what I mean by him always being under me.

"I came here to be alone. Not to be with you." I said, as he sat next to me.

"I had a feeling you would come here. Why don't you want to be with me?" He asked, looking at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I just wanted to be alone Rayan." I said, sighing, leaning back to lay down. 

"Oh.." He said, looking towards the water.

"Yeah." I didn't want to be rude and tell him to go home but I wanted to be alone. I closed my eyes. A few seconds later, I felt his head on my chest. I looked at him and saw him staring at me. 

"You're beautiful, Kari. Ya know that?" He said, playing with a strand of my hair.

"You've said it before.." I said, closing my eyes again. I honestly felt safe around Ray. I felt like nothing could harm me when I'm with him. I just didn't know about giving him another chance. Not yet.

"Oh Rayan. I have something to show you." I said, pulling my phone out of my purse. "Three weeks ago, I met this girl. She had these two babies. I swear they look just like us.." I said, scrolling through my camera roll for the pictures I took. I handed him the phone, watching as he face went from straight to shocked.

"Woah. The boy looks like you. And the girl looks" 

"I know..I know this may sound crazy, but I have a feeling those are our babies."

"That's not possible you lost them in the car accident."

"I know..But it's just an idea. Maybe they didn't die..Maybe she hired that doctor to take them out of me..Just so she could have them considering they were yours. You know how crazy TeamMindless can get." I said as Ray stared at me.

"But not that crazy.." He always does this. Defends them. 

"Okay. Well I still think- actually no. I KNOW those are our babies. And I'm going to get them back." I said, pushing him off me. I gathered all my things and walked towards my car, leaving Rayan on the beach.

I HAVE to get my babies back. One way or another. I WILL get them back.


Sorry it's so short. LOL

But The next chapter will be up by tomorrow :)

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