Ongoing Confusion

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"Did you hear what happened?" The rumors started up again, another regular Monday at Yennin High.

"What?" They spread like a plague, one moment one person suspects it, the next person makes it a statement. They go off to tell their friends and their friends tell their friends and an exponential growth of lies takes place. Though, at rare times, they can be true.

"Seungcheol didn't go to Friday Frenzy, and lost his memory in a car crash." Gasps from the circle of girls could be heard down the hall and caught the attention of those eavesdropping.

"Really? Did he forget about-"

"He didn't see him perform?"


Seungcheol groaned, trying to let his eyes relax enough to put him to sleep. Ever since he's been discharged from the hospital 3 days ago all he's been allowed to do is sleep and eat. His mother had taken away anything that caused extra work for his brain.

"But Mom, if I work out my brain don't you think I'll get better at a faster pace?" He heard her moving around the room and opened his eyes. She picked up the dirty laundry from his carpet and tossed them into the bin next to the door. She stood by the exit, hands on her hips and a stern look painted on her features.

"I don't think texting is something that can help your brain. If you want to work out your brain I would recommend reading. Don't read in too dark of light because it could strain your eyes and make your head worse. Don't even try to start with your phone either mister," she waved her finger in the air slowly and his eyes were fixed on it as if he was hypnotized. "Reading text messages are not the same as reading a book," she took a step out the door and it began to swing closed, "and the bright light from your phone could strain your eyes as well."

Seungcheol resisted the urge to roll his eyes at how his mother was treating him. It was nice to have his room cleaned without having to move but the constant exiting and entering along with no entertainment or much freedom, he was beginning to become bored with the routine. She was right about reading, if he was really bored he could do it, but he wasn't bored to the extent he would read outside of school.

His mother brought out all thirteen books from The Series of Unfortunate events. He remembered the frustrations trying to figure out what VFD was supposed to be and turned onto the other side of his bed wondering what to do. His head wasn't in pain anymore but he wasn't about to spend his time off school reading.

Closing his eyes, he thought of the fact his hyperthymesia was gone. The doctor said it wouldn't be much of a big deal but he felt off about something and it's been bothering him ever since he woke up but he didn't want to bring it up if he couldn't explain it.


Seungcheol was sitting in class, his heart was racing and he couldn't stop looking up from his paper to the person in front of him. He had a feeling the other person was famous and found it weird how no one else was looking at him.

He examined the pink hair on the top of the famous person's head, something in his heart made him feel warm and he ended up smiling. The pink hair shifted and Seungcheol noticed that the object of his attention had eyes too and stared back at him. He played with his lips and his eyes went back to his paper. He looked at one number before looking up again and repeating what he was doing before. The events repeated themselves several times but Seungcheol couldn't find it in him to stop. It was like looking at the person was the only thing he was able to do.

The bell rang but Seungcheol never heard it, he just followed the actions of everyone else packing up their stuff. He was walking to his physical education class but before he could get into the locker room his teacher stopped him.

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