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            Being a junior in highschool, there are a few things I've learned

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            Being a junior in highschool, there are a few things I've learned. A major one being to never disrupt the pecking order. When Jackson invited me to sit with the "cool kids" it was quite the disruption. Eventually, everyone settled down and got over the fact an average girl with an average house and an average vehicle was dating Jackson Hayes, but Mollie Amberson.
           To this day she still tries in everyway shape and form to make my life and my life with Jackson anything but easy. While Blair and I made our way to her little navy suv, Mollie and Renee hurry over to us. Their matching nude heels sound like the suspense song that plays in every horror movie right before the killer jumps out and stabs his victim.
         "So you still clinging onto Jackson like a lost puppy? Or did you finally realize how much he pities you?" Mollie made her daily snide comment.
         "What do you want Mollie?" I sighed, hoping she'd just huff, throw her hair over her shoulder, and walk away. But of course, that never happens.
         "Ian was looking for you. God knows why." She rolled her eyes, "But, Jackson asked me to be nice and invite you to this thing at my parents lake house this weekend. Blair you can come too, if you must."
       "Gee thanks, you always make me feel so welcome!" Blair's sarcasm was as obnoxious as Mollie's cleavage.
"We'll be there. Thanks." I smiled at her genuinely.
 She grinned more snarky than sweetly, but I'll take it.
        "I don't understand why you are so nice to those girls, Mari, if I were you I'd just..." She clenched her teeth and started spastically pretend fighting her car door.
        "Get in dork!" I chuckled at her, even if I was a little nervous as to why Ian would be looking for me.

Later that night...

          "So then we had to paddle all the way back to the docks, it took us an hour just to get back-" Ryan, Mollie's boyfriend, continued to tell a story about last summers drunk nights.
          Jackson took my hand and pulled me to his couch as the never ending story remained in the kitchen. I collapsed to his side, my go to spot, tucking my head under his chin. I moved my hand so that it would rest on his chest feeling his lungs inflate and deflate. He let out a sigh and his breath blew my hair.
         "You know how everyone has a plan, or at least I hope so." I questioned, but it somehow came out like a statement.
       "Yea." He spoke tiredly with his eyes closed, but a smirk still remained on his face.
         "Well...in your plan for the future...you see things. Like the college you're in or the job you have, the type of car or house you have..." I sat up and looked at him, "Maybe even the people you want in your life." 
He didn't open his eyes, he just shrugged, "Of course."
          I turned and looked at the wall speaking in an awkward tone, rambling, "Well with that said and I mean I don't want to sound completely creepy or crazy to ask this, because you probably haven't thought this far and neither have I, I am just slightly curious as to, what you may or may not-"
         "Mariana, it's okay." He spoke softly and wrapped his arms around me, pressing his face into my neck. "To answer your question, I see you. Not much of anything else to be completely honest," He chuckled jokingly, "But in my 'plan', you're an important part of it, that is if you'd like to be."
         I couldn't help from blushing while trying to hide my grin from ear to ear. "The fact you'd even have to ask..." I turned to face him.
      "Eh, I knew the answer. Just thought I'd give you a chance to say yes or no." He joked in a cocky tone.
       I laughed and wrapped my arms around him as we both fell back onto the couch. "Why did I fall in love with you?"
"I am still confused by it myself." He said right before falling asleep.

          Jackson drove me home around 10:30 p.m. with a goodnight kiss and short conversation of how much he wants a husky named Jacks. It gave me enough time to have a snack then discuss with my mother the plans of this weekend and how I aced my trigonometry test.
         My mom is one of those that are completely indulged in your life, yes she has more of a life than most single moms, but still wants to know every little detail of my life. We've always been close ever since I can remember, telling each other everything. We talk about boyfriends together, friends, drama, you name it. It has always only been my mom, my brother, and I.
        Scott is a different story. My older brother has never been super close to my mom, but to me he is like my best friend. Even though he's been away at college for a year and we haven't spoken like we did when he was here, we still talk on the phone for hours when he calls or comes home. 
        I went to my bedroom after getting ready for bed when I got a call. It was from Ian. I hesitantly answer it, "Ian?"
          "You need to meet me at the abandoned building near the docks. The one they used to make and sell fireworks out of? You know the one." There was something about his voice that made my skin crawl. "It's urgent and it's about Jackson. Come alone and tell no one. It-It's something you need to know."
          The call ended abruptly.


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