Inviting You Over For Dinner - Darwin

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Darwin was nervous. He didn't want Mrs. Mom to lash out at his girlfriend. But maybe, just maybe she would forgive and forget. But the logic side of his brain said otherwise. He sighed. He wish Mrs. Mom wasn't so aggressive.

He fixed his orange hoodie, and headed out, Gumball soon following. It was about a fifteen walk from their house, and they chatted about nothing and everything. 

"I know! If a fruit was the president, it would obviously be an orange! Hard on the outside, but sweet on the inside!" Gumball laughed, and Darwin smiled. "Whoa, dude is this her house?" Gumball looked at the house. It looked so dead. "It looks like a zombie. Why?" Darwin sighed, he knew half of the reason. 

"Her parents dont get along well."


"She didn't tell me." Gumball nodded slowly, and the two walked up the porch, to the door. They knocked, and they heard shuffling, and some drunk slurs. The door opened, and there was a woman with a fox ears and tail, with a bottle in her hand.

"Oooh. are yyyou (YyyourNaaame)'sss friendssss?" She slurred, wobbling, trying to keep herself from falling to the ground. Her features were terrible. She had mascara running, her eyes were bloodshot, her lipstick was all over her cheeks, and her lip was bleeding. "(YooooourNameeee)! Yoooou'rrre friiiends are *hic* here." 

There was some shuffling, and the mother got pushed out the way. There was an annoyed looking boy. He also had a fox ears and tail, and he looked dazed. "Who are you?" He asked, squinting, eyes red and slightly puffy. "Damn I'm hungry. Come inside." The two brothers came inside wearily, cautious of this boy. "The name's Tyler, or Ty. Your pick. Want some food? God, I am sooo high." He laughed lightly, and Gumball sighed. 

"Where's (Y/N)?" Gumball asked, sitting at the table with Ty and Darwin.

"Ah, Miss Innocent. She's in the shower. She'll be out soon," Darwin and Gumball nodded, and silence overtook the house. Well, there was sounds of screaming upstairs, and slurs from (Y/N)'s mom.

"What's with the screams?" Gumball asked, trimming his nails. Ty laughed.

"Dad and his fuck buddy. Nothin' special. Just a fucked up family." Ty mumbled, staring off into space, laughing a little. Darwin averted his eyes to the ground, uncomfortable.

"Why is that?" Gumball asked, pushing Darwin's limit. Ty returned his attention to the brothers.

"Well, time for a story," He sat up straight, and cleared his throat, "Once upon a time, there was a woman, who possessed the traits of a fox. Ears, tails, instincts, etc. Her name was Aurora. She was never perfect, she was troubled, and she needed her prince. One day, another fox came by, his name was Edward. Prince Edward. They fell each other, at least Aurora did. Edward didn't love her, but he pretended to. He just wanted Aurora for sex, and he got what he wanted. Edward wanted to be done with Aurora, but the princess thought the love was real between them. Together they married, but the love Aurora emitted was never appreciated by Edward. It was a misshapen marriage. The wife and husband had two children, Prince Ty and Princess (Y/N). Aurora thought she had a Happily Ever After. Boy, was she wrong.  It had been years, and Aurora started to notice Edward never really cared or loved her in any sort. She would weep and weep. She would forget to tend for her children, so Ty took charge. Queen Aurora wanted the pain to go away, and a peasant suggested alcohol. She fell into a never ending thirst for the deathly liquid, and felt her troubles float away." 

"But, her troubles would grow bigger. Every now and then, King Edward would bring in Princess Slut, and they would go to the bedroom to play. Soon, it turned into a daily thing, and Aurora tried to ignore it. But it would have to require more alcohol. She was slowly starting to lose herself, and Prince Ty tried to save her. Instead, Ty found a toy. Weed. He loved the substance. It would make him happy. He would use it everyday, trying to escape from reality, and into his own little world. He began to drift away from Princess (Y/N) leaving her lost. Little (Y/N) didn't have anyone. She was scared. She was the only sane one left in the Royal Family. But... She didn't remain that way.  She would come home late, with kisses on her cheeks and neck, but the family didn't notice. They were too careless. It was Ty's fault. He should've been there. But the bastard didn't. Soon, it changed. The kisses didn't solve her problems, and so.. She resolved to pain. The Princess would start to hit herself, then slap herself, and then she thought.. Why not hurt others?  She would abuse the mother, cursing her, and she began to grow crazy. It was one day, the mother fought back. She held a broken bottle, and smashed it against (Y/N)'s head." Gumball was sad of this story, but Darwin was furious. At (Y/N) and at the broken family.

"Ty snapped. He punched, and he slapped the Queen. (Y/N) cried, Aurora yelped at the pain, Edward moaned, and Ty felt himself dissolve into nothing. He vowed to protect (YourName), even if it meant killing the Queen. Aurora was afraid of Ty, and (Y/N) was afraid of her mother. It was like (YourName) fell into a pitch black hole, she fell and fell, until she landed at the bottom. It was dark, and she was scared. Ty was close behind, but he wasn't scared. He knew this place. He was there once. But the darkness held a protection of some sorts. It protected the wanderer from danger." Ty looked at Darwin, smiling a little. 

"(Y/N) The Wanderer, found the light. It was a prince. Her prince. He was Prince Darwin. He was the protection. (Y/N) ran to the prince, and she felt at ease. Ty knew he was the one to keep her happy, so he let her go, even if it teared him up inside. In the end, (Y/N) turned out to be the sane one in the family, with a prince of her own. And if that prince fails to keep her that way-"

 " P R I N C E  



D I E 



H E 

S T A N D S.

aNd pRiNCe tY wiLl mAkE PriNcE dArWiN bEg fOr mErcY."

Darwin gulped, and Gumball felt the atmosphere grow dark. Ty had a deathly look on his face. "Prince Ty knows (Y/N) will have bumps on the road with her Prince, but it'll work out in the end. With her own happily ever after, with Ty finding his own. At least he hopes." Ty finished, and he felt sad. "I gotta get more weed. (Y/N) should be back down by now. She takes long showers." He winked at Darwin, and the boy felt his face flush.

Hello! Sorry for taking forever to update. I didn't have the mood to write, as I was out of ideas for this chapter. Plus, school is biting my ass, along with my own mood and such, oh well! Anyways, enjoy! 

I tried to make a background story for the reader, as its' been bugging me. Well, wait for Part Two! ^w^

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