Fairy Tale AU - Tobias

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FairyTale AU: Bratty Princess

Warning: 2 swagilicious for yo asssss

Once upon a time, in a far away island, in Peli, was a grande castle, with the royals, [Last Name]. The king was nice as can be, hoping the very best for his kingdom. He had the most fairest daughter beyond the eye could see, although she was a bit of a spoiled child. However, that didn't change her personality, as she was kind to everyone she interacted with. Although, she was a bit sad inside and out, as her mother died giving birth to her.

The King married another woman, trying to recover his heartache, and your disappointment of killing your mother. The step mother was named Cagna, but most called her The Queen. She was cold to her subjects, always rejecting their requests behind the King's back. He wasn't aware of this, just content that his heartache was as bad as before. As you grew older, you began to grow spunky and more fire-y. You always rejected marriage proposals, your mind always on the kingdom, and keeping it above the water. Every now and then, princes were granted permission to enter the courtyard, your favorite place to unwind. You would sing and admire the animals that visited, and you would feel at peace. You would usually ignore the princes, taunting them. But today, was different than usual.

You were in the garden, tending to the flower beds. It was a nice day out. The sun was shining brightly, and few clouds scattered across the sky. Birds sang their lullabies, and bees hummed their work song. You were minding your business, and wished the prince watching did too. Kneeling down, you didn't mind your [Favorite Color] dress getting ruined, as you had replicas of them. Humming quietly, admiring the [Favorite Color] flower beds, you noticed an abnormal shadow towering over you. You groaned in annoyance. "Gaston, I already told you, I said to keep The Queen busy! Not to watch me, you creeper!" Turning your head to send a harsh glare, you gasped to see a prince before you, a smirk on his face. He had a tan skin tone, messy curly hair, and you were surprised that it was rainbow colored. How could you do that? He had two different color eyes, one a light blue and the other a light pink, and they were glistening with happiness. But for some reason, you realized they looked the same, and it took a second glance to notice it. You came to a conclusion that he was more attractive than the other princes, and found yourself blushing because of it. "Who are you?" You asked, standing up, dusting over the dirt on your dress. The prince before you chuckled, his rich, colorful clothes sending you an indication that he was in fact wealthy.

"C'mon baby, does that really matter?" . . .And how he spoke seemed unique to you. All the other princes used formality and professionalism, while he used causality and relaxed lingo. This certainly was a change for you, and you hated to admit, but you were liking it already.

You sighed, rolling your eyes. Crossing your arms, sending him a 'Are you serious' look. "Yes, it really does matter." He just laughed it off, and you were already annoyed. The singing of the birds came to an end, along with the bees song. The clouds covered the sun, the courtyard becoming serious, to you anyway.

"Well, I don't really feel like telling you. You feel me?" Scratch your curiosity, you just wanted Whats-His-Face out of here, and fast. Groaning, you glared at him, although it had no affect on him, except for his grin to grow bigger.

"Well, if you won't tell me, then it'd be best if you would leave."

"Okay, okay, you got me. The name is Prince Tobias, but don't wear it out, kay?" Oh, so he was the infamous Tobias, the one who stole from the wealthy and poor, for his own desires. He was the one who snagged woman to sleep with, only to lock them out of the castle the next day -- naked. He was the one who had no empathy for his subjects, only caring about the thing they owned; money. He was the infamous prince who executed innocent subjects just for the joy of it all. His father's kingdom was at your kingdom's throat. You laughed a little, how could someone with that type of reputation, still contain his confidence? Or even his dignity? You weren't sure yourself. "Huh, so you're Tobias. Who would've thought." You muttered, paying your attention back to the flower beds. You always wanted to lay on them and take a nap, but you worried they would be squished, ruining their full look.

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