Chapter 5

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I wanted to surprise Erin but it didn't work but I hope she likes her present, it's a little object that means so much to me and to our friendship that is a thing that I wouldn't want to lose.

"I'm going to grab a drink" I yell to Erin because the music is just too loud.

While I'm getting a drink I look outside and I see, inside the pool, Erin dancing with a huge dude in her and I ask myself

She's not drinking, or she's doing it to show off or she's doing it because she wanted to.

Whatever it's her birthday anyways.

A few minutes passes and she's walking towards me and I'm still sitting outside talking to a guy, she asks

"Are you having fun?"

"Yea I'm just.. A bit tired you know" I respond

"Then you should drink a bit more and have some fun you know" she says

"Are you drunk?" I ask with a laughing face

"Nope, this is who I am" she says

"Cool" I say

Some rapper goes on and we start dancing more and more, and all of the sudden the party just got so awesome that you just wanted to scream your head off.

Two hours later people went home and there was a few people there.

I see Erin talking to the same guy that was on top of her, then they kiss. Not a full make out, just a kiss.

She has a big jacket on with zipper so she left it open, she comes running to me and hugs me and i say

"What's going on?"

"I'm just so happy!!!"
She says, "my fucking best friend is here and I just kissed a guy and its fucking amazing!!"

There's only me, Erin, Isabella, jake and his boyfriend inside.
Outside there's a few more people. 

"Well fuck yea you got it birthday girl!" Jake screams

"Cheers to ERIN!" Jake's boyfriend screams

"Ooowwwwwwwooooowwwww" the whole apartment screams

She's still hugging me and she looks to me and says

"Thanks for everything"

"No problem"
I respond

I hug her.

Later that night jake and I helped Erin to unwrap her presents, some of them was cute but some of them was just funny.

"Alright guys, I'm going to sleep, goodnight, I hope you had an awesome birthday Erin." Jake said

"Ok goodnight" Erin and I told Jake at the same time.

She got this medium size bear from Arron, and a bunch of other stuff.

"What was the most precious thing that you got for you birthday this year?" I ask

"Well I got a surprise that was you and a car" she says

"Who got you the car?" I ask

The TripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora