Part 10

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The hardest things on earth is the easiest thing that you're looking at. Weird but it's true if you think about it.

A few months ago I was at my aunts house, living with her for a moment of the my life just to learn English and shit like, I figured out that I like girls, find out that I have another brother and a FUCKING SISTER, and my biological dad was trying to find me.

I really wanted to meet him but my aunt didn't, just saying I saw him and it was an achieved dream.

A few months go by, and my biological dad dies.

Don't be sorry for me, which I think you are not. Anyways,

I still don't know how he died, what's going to happen to my brother and my sister, what's going to happen to me too.

And now you are probably thinking, "OMG that's why that Chris guy dad died..."


In the description of the book I told you  guys, that are probably reading this book please read it, it say that my life is sort of like this book.

The gay couple are based by my aunt and my uncle, they are not gay but my aunt looks like she's a lesbian, the twin sister is based by the looks of me and my sister but the personality is based by how me and my cousin  (the daughter of my aunt that I lived with) relationship with each other.

Jacob is based of one of my best guy friend who acts like a girl, Derrick is pretty much my best guy friend dream self.

Chris is based of my online friend Joey, JOEY don't read this.
There was a time that I was texting him and he told me that he liked me but I never saw him before so it wouldn't work.

LA IS based of Los Angeles, duh, but I never really been to la a lot so the city is also based of San Diego, I was going to put San Diego but it was already too late. I lived in San Diego for two years so I know a lot of stuff from there.

I always put pictures up there so you can sort of imagine how Erin's life is, her house, her bikini, her car, her clothes, etc..

Her looks and Belle's looks, green and blue eyes and light skin, is the opposite of me and my sister looks.

My sister and I are milk chocolate, my hair is curly but my sister keep straighten hers but her is naturally curly, sister's eyes are brown eyes and my is black eyes, we are not that skinny we are sort of like Ariana and Beyoncé had twin babies and it be me and my sister.
I'm the older one but Erin is the youngest twin.

About Erin's and belle childhood and parents.
My childhood I didn't have my sister with me, as I said I just met her a couple months ago, and I was known by everybody because I'm brown and my mom is white.
I didn't have a group of friends with me, I was always talking to people a lot too.

Okay, her parents.
My parents are based how my biological dad left me and my mom at a very young age of my life. And how my mom let me travel the world when I was 9. I HAVE SUCH A COOL MOM.

Erin can speak Spanish and I can speak in Portuguese, a bit of Spanish, and English. Duh.

Erin's is the name that I wanted for my middle name but I stayed with Thyna.
Sounds like Tina.

Okay I'm done. Byyyeeeeee.

San Diego

The TripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora