First Thing's First

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"We consume the carcasses of creatures of like appetites, passions, and organs as our own, and fill the slaughterhouses daily with screams of pain and fear." - Robert Louis Stevenson

No. We are not carnivores nor are we omnivores.


This is scientifically proven from the size of our intestines to the structure of our teeth.

The size of a carnivores' and omnivores' intestines are 3-6 times larger than their torso. This is because when they eat meat, they need it to pass through as smoothly as possible.

Herbivores, however, have intestines that are 10-12 times larger than their torso. They are built this long because their bodies need that length to absorb all the nutrients needed. Herbivores also need fiber, something carnivores can do without, in their diet in order to help them digest all the plants they're eating.

Guess how long human intestines are? 10-12 times larger than their torso. We also need to consume fiber in order to digest food. If this doesn't scream herbivore, then I don't know what will.

Although, if you're still not convinced , I'll introduce to you this little thing called cholesterol.


Cholesterol is something found in all animals and their products. Carnivores have a high tolerance towards cholesterol and it doesn't matter whether or not they eat it.

Herbivores, however, produce their own cholesterol and cannot consume any cholesterol without it damaging their body.

Humans cannot consume any cholesterol without it being bad for our body because we produce our own.

The only source of cholesterol is in animals and their byproducts.

Also, if we were true carnivores then we wouldn't need to cook out meat and flavor it with all types of spices. Real carnivores can rip the flesh of an animal and chew it raw. We obviously cannot. Unless you want to die early. In that case, you can.

That brings us to point numero tres.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

It's true that we, as humans, are capable of eating animal carcasses. We can cook the animals up just right so that it's edible, but that doesn't mean we are meant to.

Vegans, on average, live ten freaking years longer than a meat eater. What do you think is causes all the diseases and shit that people have? We sure as hell aren't getting obese from eating too much broccoli. Just read the book "The China Study". Meat is causing all these illnesses so that doctors have to then test on poor innocent animals for a cure.

Cancer. Obesity. Arthritis. Diabetes. Osteoporosis. Heart attack. Stroke. Come on people, wake up and realize that all these diseases are linked to animals and their by-products. Milk - the protein in milk is so acidic and wrong for your body that in order to break down milk, you need to extract calcium from your bones. MILK TAKES AWAY CALCIUM. IT DOES NOT GIVE YOU CALCIUM! My all time least favorite lie is that milk gives you calcium. You can get more calcium from a freaking rock than from milk.

It is literally illegal for companies to say that eggs are healthy. Why? Because they're not freaking healthy. They're the opposite.

Fish? Beef? Pork? Eggs? Milk? Honey? Insects? Dogs? UN-FUCKING-HEALTHY!

Please, tell me - if we were meant to eat them, why are they killing us?

No matter what you say, we have and always will be physically built to eat plants only. So stop eating dead animals.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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