BTS Young Forever

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fucking like

what the fuck bighit

the fuck

i waited 12 hours to watch it because when it came out my third class had started so i had to go through the whole day no social media because i didn't want spoilers but i did save a pic of V because omfg they looked so good

like idk how my jimin bias friend survived that

idk how i survived that

blond hair


ive waited 84 years for this

someone said jin said something like it's a comeback trailer????????? 

i'm just so

school has been so shit lately and then this happens. i took a five hour nap before even thinking about watching this and then i ate so i could feel better

i think i'm more pumped to see all the fan art on this. there was some on tumblr and it's so beautiful. army has to be one of the best fan art fandoms i've been in.

and i need a new wallpaper for my phone so i'm waiting for an appropriate sized one 

i just. like. why a tuesday? why?

tbh i am not at all ready for this comeback. i thought i was but then this happened and i cried.i legit started crying because taehyung was the last one out of the maze and i was so scared something bad was going to happen to him. but then it was the epilogue so why would they hurt him????

i feel like the maze is kinda like their struggle to overcome their friends death. straight up in the first twenty seconds i was like yep jin is dead i knew it.  

and i loved how all of the videos in the series was there. it was just so beautiful and the song is so deep. i love bangtan. they have such deep lyrics and they sing about friendship and their personal struggles and i really love that. even though 'you look fresh like a salad' is one of my favorite lyrics of all time

now i gotta change my laptop background. 

but for fucking real though if bighit pulls this shit again i am dropping out of kpop

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