Chapter 2 (new beginnig)

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I woke unto the sound of my alarm clock beeping. I didn't want to get up, so I just moved my hand over to my bedside table, and tried to find the button to turn it off. Why did I set that thing?. I pulled my pillow out from underneath my head, and threw it overtop of my head. A few minutes later, I felt somebody rub my arm. I didn't even pay attention to it, until I heard the person walk out of my room. I quickly sat up, trying to figure out how somebody was in my Flat. It couldn't be Liam, considering we broke up last night. I looked around my room, and it looked really strange. There where posters everywhere, and Light purple walls. What's going on, did somebody come and change my room when I was asleep last night?. I was so confused, but I shook it off, then went over to my closet to find some clothes to wear. I looked though my clothes, and only things I had where graphic T-shirts, and maybe some shirts with little designs on them. I wasn't sure what was happening. I walked over to my bed, and sat down.

"What's going on?" I asked myself. "Oh nice Amelia, now your talking to yourself!" I whispered. I push some hair, that was falling into my face, back behind my ears, then sighed.

"Well, I might as well get ready for the day!" I stood up, And started to walk over to my table with my makeup, and stuff like that on it. I grabbed my hairbrush, then gently pulled it though my long Blondish red hair. I walked over to my mirror, and never expected what came next. I walked in front of my mirror, and I saw a young teenage girl with Blondish red hair, green eyes, about fifteen years old, in ducky pajamas.

"AHHHH!" I screamed. Just then somebody came bursting into my room.

"Honey are you okay?" My mom?. AHHHH!

"AHHH! MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!" I screamed. My mom just stared at me.

"What do you mean Amelia? This is my house!" She quickly added, putting her hands on her hips. My heart rate was beating ten miles a minute. What's happening?.

"M-mom, this I-is my flat!" I stuttered. At that point of time my mom looked so confused.

"Honey, I hate to tell you this, but this isn't a flat, and this isn't your flat." What was my mom talking about, of corse It's my flat, isn't it?. I looked back over at the mirror and almost passed out.

"Mom what's wrong with me!?!" I asked as I looked away from the mirror.

"Nothing's wrong with you honey! I just think you need to get ready for school so you won't be late." My mom answered, as she left the room. I felt my breathing get faster as I took another look in the mirror. What happened last night?. I'm fifteen again... I couldn't think straight, so I slowly crawled over to my bed, and laid down, trying to figure out how in the world I became fifteen again. I closed my eyes, and tried to think of something I could do to go back to being twenty one. After a few minutes of just laying on my bed thinking, I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"HONEY! IM GOING TO WORK, YOUR FATHER WON'T BE HOME UNTIL FOUR THIS EVENING.... OH AND DONT FORGET TODAY IS KHLOE'S BIRTHDAY!....BYE LOVE YOU!" I sat up, and just stared at my walls. This can't be happening. I don't know how long I just sat in bed, but after a certain amount of time, I heard the doorbell go off. I slowly climbed off my bed, and tiptoed downstairs. Luckily I remember what our house looked like. Ugh, why did this happen to me?. I slowly walked over to the front door, and opened the door. I felt my stomach turn when I saw who it was. I suddenly got filled with anger.

"I THOUGHT WE WHERNT GOING TO TALK AGAIN!" I screamed. Liam looked at me like I was from mars.

"Uh, Amelia... A-are you okay. Wait why don't you wanna talk?" Liam asked, as he raised his eyebrow. What do you mean am I okay? Of course I'm not, he broke my heart last night. I was about to yell at him, when I noticed that he was younger, like me!.

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