Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I opened the front door to find Austin's forehead leaning against it. He almost fell when I opened it.

"Ashley?" He asked regaining his balance and looking up "You came out!" He suddenly pulled me into a hug and hold me really tight not letting me go.


"Yes?" He murmured.

"Would you mind letting me go?" He suddenly realized what he was doing and stepped back a little.

"What are you doing here?" I asked getting to the point.

"I came here to talk to you" He said. "I followed you to your house to make sure we would"

"You followed me!?" I asked astonished. He slowly nodded not looking at me like a grounded 5 year old.

"I'm sorry" He apologized. I let out a long sigh.

Austin is in my house, and he is drunk. What am I supposed to do? I have no idea what to do in this situations..

"Why did you come out?" He randomly asked.

"Because you called me and asked me to?" I said confused. "By the way, I just proved my theory was right. You were lying to me when we were locked in the lockers room.. you DO have a cellphone" I pointed to the cellphone in his hand.

"Yes I had a phone.." He answered honestly. Drunk people always say the truth. "That's why I am here. I want to explain everything" By then, he was sitting in the stairs and I sat next to him.

I have no idea what is about to come out of his mouth but I know it would be surprising... God, I want to know. Now.

But he kept silent.

Maybe I have to say something first?

"How did you even got my number Austin?" I asked actually a bit worried about it. Is he stalking me?

"Alex gave it to me" He said carelessly.

"And how did he get it!?" I was not worried, I was sick-mad-worried now.

"Take it easy on him" He said "It was me remember?" He saw I had no clue about what he was saying so he continued "The first day at the lockers, when I called someone? I called him, and your number was saved in his phone, so I asked him for it"

What. The. Fuck.

That bugger has my phone number? God. Who knows what would he do with it...

"Okay..." I trailed off "Keep talking"

"Well, those days at the boy's locker room, I didn't completely lie... I do own a phone, but I didn't remember if I took it and placed it in my football bag that day. The thing is..." He remained silent for a second looking at the ground. "A part of me was telling me not to look for it. I don't know why, or how but something deep inside me did not want to leave"

There was a weird feeling inside me. I was feeling nervous.

What does that means? He did have a phone the whole time we where there? If so, he is so dead.

"That's why I was always avoiding everything related to my bag. I was fooling myself, telling me I was doing nothing wrong, but eventually I coudn't take it anymore. I knew how to get out, I had a phone with me the whole time, but I- The only-.." He stammered.

He was confusing himself with his own words. He took his beanie off and rubbed his hair groaning before placing it back in his head. For a second, seeing him this concentrated and serious, I could have sworn he was not drunk.

"Dammit" He swore frustrated "This is harder than I thought"

"Just say it" I said dying to know what was behind all those words.

"I just wanted to spend more time with you, okay!?" He bellowed "I know I am a selfish bastard, I was only thinking about what I wanted even when I knew how much you hated me and how badly you wanted to get out..."


"You always knew how to get out!?" I yelled angry standing up and he slowly nodded "How could you keep that from me!?"

"I just told you" He apologized again "I am sorry"

"I am sorry?" I ranted "I am sorry won't make up for this Austin! You know you had me locked in there for three goddamn days!?" He just closed his eyes and placed his hands covering his face with his elbows on his tights. "And you won't answer?" I yelled angry "Of couse you won't, you don't have a good reason to defend yourself..." I was walking to the right, and then to the left, repeating it endlessly. "You know what's the worst thing? THAT YOU LEFT ME ALONE!" I yelled "You actually left and didn't even bother to say something! I just woke up and you were gone!!"

I was finally venting everything that I was piling up inside me. It was about time I told someone how I felt. I had so much inside me.

"I DID THAT TO PROTECT YOU ASHLEY!" He suddenly yelled getting up, standing in front of me.

"You did that to protect me from what!?" I snapped angry.

He closed his eyes again and shook his head.

"You don't understand!... Did you ever even wonder why I was missing three days of school?" He pursed and I just kept silent "It was because I got suspended" He rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand and licked his lips while sitting back down on the stairs. "The day I left you... I couldn't sleep, I was awake, just watching you sleep. I was wishfully waiting for you to wake up when I realized everything. I was wrong... I was screwing everything up. I realized that the longer I spent time with you, the more I-... the more I was hurting you. So I had to get out of there."

He was staring straight at me trying to read my mind, trying to know what I was thinking, and then he continued.

"I hurted you plenty of times, and I wanted -damn it, I needed- to make up for it at least once, and that was the perfect chance"

I was understanding nothing. Is he saying what I think he is saying?

"I had to break the knob of the door to get out. And when I was, I broke into the principal's office to turn the security camaras off so you could come out without being watched by the security camaras. If they saw both of us getting out, they would have blamed the two of us for breaking into a school's private area and I couldn't let that happen, not when I had a way to stop it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I sudden wave of guilt rushed over me. I can't even process what he is saying. Everything he did that day.. was for me.

"They called my mom the day after saying that the security alarm of the school went off and I was blamed because I was the only one in the video."

I closed my eyes embarassed of what I told him earlier. I was such a fool...

I sat next to him.

"Austin I-I am.." I was trying to express what my mind was telling me to say but the words just couldn't come out.

"You don't have to say you're sorry" He said stopping me from talking "If someone has to say it, it would be me"

I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands. He was being kind to me. And I judged him without even knowing...

"I don't want you to think I came here to make you pity me, or feel guilty" He shook his head "That would be the least thing I would want you to do... Damn. I wasn't even going to tell you what I did that day.."

"But you did" I said with shaking voice. I don't know where that came from... My mind it's speaking for me, cause I am still in shock "And I am glad"

His lips curved into a thin smile.

"Holly shit" He murmured "I don't even know what I am doing..." The drunk Austin is back, I was wondering what happened to him in all that serious conversation... I've never seen Austin drunk before, maybe this is the 'drunk' Austin. Some poeple are funny when they're drunk, some are crazy, some are angry and jelous all the time... maybe he is serious when he is.

All of a sudden he spoke again.

"But that's not all..."

What else could there possibly be?

"What happened that night, the one you hate the most and wish you could forget, the one in the alley... When we took you, when you were in the car and inside the house, it was all real.. But when you thought you've had managed to scape... That was all planned" My eyes went wide and my heart skipped a beat.

"I had it all planned..." Austin continued "When I saw it was you on the alley, when Alex brought you to me, I-I didn't know what to do... I had to take you with us, but for some odd reason I knew you didn't had anything to do with that Jake dude and the thing he had to give us."

God. If he only knew that thing is in the room above us...

"I chose who would stay watching you and who would go with Jake... I know Tyler perfectly well, and I knew he was going to let you go sooner or later, so I called Robert and told him to leave you with Tyler while he got some food for all of us. Everything went exaclty how I planned it to"

"Wait, wait wait" I said shaking my head "Are you saying that you lied to your friends?"

"I never lied" He answered "I just never told them I wanted you to escape"

"Why would you do that? Why would you let me go?" I said angry.

Wait. Why am I angry? He lied to his friends to let me ran away... But I was angry at him, really really angry.


"BECAUSE NOT EVEN A FUCKING ONE OF THEM BELIEVED YOUR STORY ASHLEY!" He said yelling harshly "I was the only one who did, and you know, 4 votes against 1 is not a good stadistic..."

"You mean that they were going to KILL ME!?" I yelled angry.

My chest was going up and down, up and down. I coudn't contain myself any longer... I was going to die. They were planning to kill me.

"I never said that-"

"But you insinuated it!" I yelled in front of him not letting him finish.

"For fucks sake Ashley! Would you shut up and HEAR ME OUT!?" I shut my mouth and he sigh "God, you are still impossible..." I was a second, just a millisecond, from answering something rude back but I knew how to control myself when needed. "They still think you have that thing with you! They think you've always had! And I've been trying to lead them away but it's difficult okay!?"

Holly crap

They've had been targeting me all this time. I can't believe they haven't found anything! I have a shit load of problems now.

"Why would they think I have a stupid flashdrive with me!?" I asked trying to look inocent and angry at them for thinking I had such a thing.

"What did you say?" Austin expression changed completely. He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. I just stared at him confused. "You.. you just said flashdrive?" He asked.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

"Uhmm..." I said sounding nervous. I am so stupid.

"I never told you what the thing was Ashley" He said in a warning tone "How did you know what it was?"

Think fast. Think fast. Think fast.....

"Jake told me about it..." I lied. It sounded really confident -and I don't know why- but it did. Austin was looking at me licking his lips, and after a while he slowly nodded his head.

Ohhhhh Thank Lord!

"Before I go" He practically ignored what I said, and God bless him for it. "I want to tell you one last little thing"

"And what's that?" I asked nervous.

He got up and stood right in front of me.

"I won't fully explain this, but I just want you to know that I've been watching you.. But don't get scared"

A convulsion was exploading inside me. He has been -asdfghjkl- watching me? And he tells me not to get scared!?

"I am not that creepy, I'm doing this for a reason... If I am the only one who trusts you, then I am the only one who can protect you."

"Protect me from what?" I stammered scowling.

"Protect you from them" He said serious. And in less than a second his face started dozing off.

"Who is them?" I asked getting closer to him. But he was now leaning back against the stairs slowly closing his eyes. "Austin" I said getting frustrated "Austin!" I knelt down next to his sleeping body.

Oh my God. This drunk thing is the most confusing thing in the word. First he was talking and moving all weird, then he was serious, then he started shouting and now.. he fell asleep outside my house.

What to do now?

Of all the poeple I could call I knew only one could help..

I took Austin's phone to check his number and called him from his phone. After hearing the ringtone a few times he picked up.

"AUSTINNNN!" He shouted from the other line, music blasting in the back. "WHERE ARE YOU BRO!? WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!"

"Alex?" I asked nervous.

"Who is this?" He asked. I could hear he was getting out of the party so he could hear me.

"Uhmm.. it's Ashley"

"Ohhhh" he laughed "I told you you would call me"

"Shut up Alex this is important" I snapped back. Austin wasn't even moving, he was sleeping like a baby. How could he sleep all of a sudden?

"It must be if you're calling me with Austin's phone" He replied.

"Austin's with me, at my house, to be more specific"

"Damn what is he doing at your house? Did-"

Before he could say any more stupid stuff I cut him off.

"Before you say anything, we're outside my house" He was laughing but I decided to ignore him "Austin followed me here and he was drunk... he passed out"

"I have no doubt in that.." He said "You know.. you were really rude to me tonight at the party and I am not in a mood of helping you out"

"ALEX! This is serious! I need your help" He was pestering me.

"I would go just if you promise to be kind to me" He said with an amused tone.

"If I have no other choice-"

"You don't" He finished for me.

"Then I guess I promise to treat you better next time..."

"Good. Now say 'Alex is the best and I can't deny it' and I'll go" I could see him smiling at the other line. He was teading me. Ughh I hate him,

"Alex is the best and I can't deny it" I repeated slowly.

He laughed "Perfect, now tell me your addres, I'll be there as fast as I can"

I had no choice but to tell him my address, I didn't wanted tho. Having Austin knowing where I live was enough.

I sat on the stairs above Austin. I had nothing to do but wait for Alex to get here.

I turned my head down. Austin's head was resting right next to my right foot. I think I've never seen him like this, he looks so peacefull. I never realized he had such a beautiful features...

"Ashley?" Austin suddenly opened his eyes and rubbed his head.

"Austin, are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I think I am..fine?" He sat up and turned to face me. "Who were you calling?"

I raised my eyebrows... So he was listening? He wasn't fully sleeping.

I pretended I never realized "It was Alex. He is coming to get you"

"Alex? No! Why did you call him? I want to stay here" He is being his weird drunk self again.

"You can't stay here Austin"

"Why not?" His voice was staring to get soft, it sounded like he was going to fall back asleep at any second. "You don't want me to stay here?"

"You just can't Austin, I-" I was excusing myself but he interrupted me.

"Do you care about me Ashley?" He asked randomly.

"Would I be out here if I didn't?"

What kind of response was that? I don't even understand myself.

He smiled.

"You want to know something?..." He asked and I nodded "I care about you, more than I'd like to. It drives me crazy not knowing what's going on inside my own mind. You make me like this"

I got goose bumps just by hearing that.

I can't hold it anymore. He is messing with my head. I don't know what's true and what isn't.. Why did you had to be drunk to tell me this Austin?

"Sometime's I picture you and ..." He was thinking but then he shook his head "Forget it. I know how much you hate me Ashley, and I hate you for it. It kills me"

What is going on? My heart was beating rapidly and it felt like it would explode and come out of my chest at any second. I don't know how he makes me feel like this... but the real Austin, he wouldn't say all this stuff to me. Not here, not ever.

"You are making a mess of me. I don't even know what to think anymore Austin...." I said honestly "Sometimes I wish I could know what you're thinking."

"I wish I could do something to change your mind about me..."

A sudden blinding light appeared in front of us. It was Alex's car.

He got out and approached to us.

"Hey man" He greeted Austin "You look like crap. Come on, I'll help you up" He extanded his hand towards Austin and he took it.

Zach came out of the car too and helped Austin get to the car, not before Alex took Austin's keys.

"Goodbye Ashleeeey!" I heared him yell. I just waved back.

Drunk Austin is so much different from the real Austin.

"Well thanks for coming" I said to Alex, who was standing in front of me.

"No problem" He shrugged "You have a nice house, someday I'll pay you a visit"

"Please don't" I answered rolling my eyes.

He just laughed and walked to Austin's car. He unlocked it and before he got in he waved goodbye.

In less than a minute I was left alone.


I have so much to process.

This seriously look's like a damn unrealistic dream...

Austin came to my house drunk, made me go outiside, he confessed everything he has done for me and he kind of...

I don't know what he did. But he sure did more than just open up to me. He kind of talked about his feelings... This feels so weird.

I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up tomorrow, to find out none of this ever happened.



This chapter was so hard to write but I guess it turned out to be really good.

Austin finally explained everything and confessed what he did for Ashley... What do you guys thought about it?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I love you guys!

P.S. I just made myself an instagram (about Austin) and it's: @AustinMahone_km in case you want to follow me:) I might be posting some Why Me? stuff once in a while.. and my twitter account is: @AustinMRandom you can tweet me anything and I'll answer!

Thank you for your support! Have a lovely weekend. Xx.. -katie

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