Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Austin’s POV

“You have to be fucking kidding me Alex!”

“That’s what I said” He said shrugging and brushing the dust from his knees after jumping off the fence.

“NO” I said raising my voice “You don’t understand. This is way out of line. It can’t be fucking him again”

“We may be wrong” Alex said walking past me towards his car “It could be a random kid on that photo”

“You think I don’t recognize his fucking face!?” I yelled “I know it’s him, damn it!”

My head was spinning and I felt like throwing up.

“So what do we do know?” Alex asked leaning on his car “For once we’re one step ahead of him. He doesn’t know we found out about this”

I breathed in an out trying to make the dizziness go away.

“I don’t know” I planted the palm of my hand over my forehead trying to somehow ease the headache.

“How come you don’t know?” He asked “You always have a plan”

“Well I don’t” I said leaning on the fence in front of Alex “I can’t even stand for fucks sake! I need some pills. I am feeling sick”

“It’s called hangover dude”

“Oh don’t fuck with me Alex. Let’s just go home”

“That’s your consequence for drinking too much” He said grinning “Just saying”

 “Shut the fuck up” I said ignoring his stupid comment and rounding the car to get to the passenger seat. Once inside I leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes shut.

Alex started the car.

“Don’t you dare even think about throwing up inside my car ‘cause I swear to God I’ll make you clean every corner of it”

“Just fucking drive!” I yelled. 

I didn’t feel like talking, not now or when I get home. I need to sleep or this hangover will kill me.

“So are we going to stop looking for Sarah now?” Alex asked turning to see me. I was close to falling asleep.

“She’s probably in Brad’s house so whatever”

“So that’s a no?” He asked being the annoying self he is.

“You think Ashley will forgive me?”

He frowned and stared at me probably confused at my sudden change of topic. I didn’t even think about doing it, it just came out.

“Uhm… I don’t know?” He answered unsure.

“If I try hard enough, do you think she’ll realize how important she is to me?” I asked again, slowly feeling the sleep kick in.

“Bro I don’t know. You’re being a drunk again”

“I want her to take me back but at the same time I feel like I will end up hurting her again and I don’t want that for her, you feel me?”

Did I really fall asleep  or was my mind speaking up? I really didn’t care at the moment.

“Uh-huh” I heard him answer.

“I wish I could have a normal life, out of trouble, and guns, and people coming after us. I wish I could just take her out on a normal date, and make her smile, and listen to her laugh every second of the day if it that was possible… I just want her next to me you know? Forever”

Why me? (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now