Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

It was 1:00am and I was wide awake lying on my bed staring at my phone. Austin called me five times today and I have no idea why.

Should I text him and ask him what was wrong?

No, no no. He'll think I'm trying to talk to him and start a chatt.

But if I don't text him I'll never know why he called.
Maybe I'd be fine if he had called me just once, but he called five times. Five. You know how weird that is? We NEVER talk. I just saved his number on my phone because he asked me to.

If he called me, something must have gone wrong...

You know what? I don't care. I won't be able to sleep if I don't make sure he is okay. I mean, make sure everything's okay.

I typed on my phone trying to find the right words. I ended up sending him this:

"Austin, is everything alright? I saw 5 missed calls, are you okay?"

I sighed while I re-read the message. He didn't answer, I thought he might have been asleep already. I mean, look at the clock, its 1:00am in a school night...

I got up from my bed to place my phone on my desk, and just when I was about to turn it off, Austin answered.

"Oh, that? Don't worry about it. I dialated your phone accidentally. Sorry if I scared you"

When I finished reading that, all my mind was thinking was: Seriously?


I was actually worried here, you know? He could have texted me saying it was an accident. Now I look like and idiot texting him first when it wasn't necessary, it was a 'stupid accident'.

I thought it would be rude not to answer back, so I sent him this:

"Oh, okay. Goodnight then"

I didn't know if that sounded too cold but I couldn't care less at the moment. I was starting to feel sleepy.

I rubbed my eyes just when my phone vibrated again. I looked at the screen to find another text from Austin.

"Wait, don't go to sleep yet"

I saw he was typing something so I didn't answer.

"Do you think I could see you tomorrow? I really need to talk to you"

At first, I was so sleepy that I read it but didn't process any of the information, but when I read it again I couldn't believe what I saw. I got really nervous not knowing how to answer back. Shaking while typing, I ended up answering this:

"Well, I guess I could see you at my house after school"

He instantly replied.

"Perfect. Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow Ashley. Sleep tight"

My eyes were almost closed, but still, I couldn't help but smile.

Just then I realized how stupid I was by inviting him over... What was going through my mind when I wrote it?

Anyways, I turned my phone off and decided to go to the bathroom before going to bed.

When I finished and I was washing my hands a sudden noice startled me. I jumped in my place and quickly turned the water off. I kept in silence to see if I could hear the sound again. I just waited less than a minute before I heard it again. It was coming from outside. I think it was the sound of a car's door closing.

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