Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

", then Finn said he had to go; but he also said he had one of the best nights of his life! I mean, not every guy says that!" Chloe was more than thrilled talking about how the party with Finn went a few days ago.

We were at the school's garden, sitting in a bench next to a water fountain on our free period.

"And you never saw Brad?" She shook her head "Not even once?" She shook it again.

"But that's not even relevant in this Ashley" She said coming back to her excitement. "Finn and I have been texting the whole weekend!"

There she goes. Talking to Finn all day long... but me? Brad hasn't even texted me once.

Brad hasn't texted me once. Not even to explain why he suddenly disappeared from the party leaving me alone. I would have been really mad if I wasn't with Jake but I actually had a great time, and so did he.

"Ashley!" Chloe shouted in my ear "My God. You didn't listen to a word I said right?"

"Yes, I was listening... You said Finn texted you"

"What did I said after that?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Uhmm..." I don't even remember hearing her say anything after that. I think my daydreaming really took me somewhere else.

"Ashley!" She said mad "Why can't you listen to me and at least pretend you are happy for me?"

I face palmed myself and groaned.

"I am sorry Chloe. It's just..." I groaned again "Brad left me alone at the party and he didn't even had the decency to text me something to explain himself. It looks like he just doesn't care about me anymore."

"He did that?" I pouted and nodded "Maybe he did call you but you never heard you phone..."

"Please... I would have seen a missed call"

"I am just trying to have a positive sight in here" She said apologizing "You know, you shouldn't worry about him anymore. If he had a good reason to leave you alone and not texting you then he will come to you. And if he doesn't, then he is not worth it"

She might be right. But I really wish the first option is the right one. I really like Brad and I don't want that to fade away this fast.

The free period was over and we headed to next class.

I had math class and we had to answer a quick test. I finished really fast and I had a lot of free time to do whatever I wanted in class. I was supposed to be doing a history essay but I just couldn't concentrate.

You might have thought that Brad was the only thing on my mind. But you were wrong. Austin has been rounding inside my mind for all the weekend.

I just can't get him off my mind.

Since the day at my house, I've been thinking a lot about everything he said to me. I wish I could make just one conclusion about it but I can't.

When I think I got to a conclusion -one that I particularly don't like- I instantly deny it.

I recollected every word he said and this is what I came up with:

He confirmed he had a phone, but he lied about it. That means he wanted to stay locked at school. He actually said that himself. But I am trying to deny it.

He confessed he wanted to be with me back there.

That's exactly what has been bugging me the past few days.

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