Chapter 5- You named me after a turtle. No one's getting jealous.

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"What the hell was that about?" Liam growled.

"You were bugging me, and I asked you to stop, but did you? No, you did not. Therefore, you get what you deserve."

"I wasn't even bugging you!"

"Yes you were! And it was definitely worth it cause now people know you're a weirdo!"

"Yeah, that'll never happen. You wanna know what they see when they look at me? They see--" 

I cut him off quickly, "A psychopath that doesn't know how to brush his hair and is scared of a pregnant teacher?"

He glared at me. "No! They see a drool worthy guy with amazing hair and with sparkly tan skin and--"

"Are you trying to be Edward from Twilight? Please say you're not, because Edward is ugly."

He just stared at me. 


Shaking his head, he answered, "Wow. You're literally the only girl I know who doesn't like Edward. I'm so glad I met you."

"I could say differently. My day could've gone much smoother without needing to take you to the restroom."

He rolled his eyes, and there was a moment of silence.

"But seriously, Leonardo? There are a million other names that you could've picked!"

"How can you not like Leonardo? He's the best turtle out there! People love Leonardo! They're gonna get jealous you were lucky enough to be named after him."

"You named me after a turtle. No one's getting jealous."

I was just about to reply when I was interrupted by a deep booming voice.

"What are you two doing out in the hallway during class?" We both turned to look at who was speaking, and I could feel Liam stiffen. I would guess that he's the principal, given his get-up.

"Sorry. I was just showing him to the restrooms. He has a poor sense of directions often times."

He raised an eyebrow at that. "Really. I find that hard to believe, Liam. You sure you two aren't out here just to fool around in the janitor's closet?"

I stood there, surprised out how blunt a principal was being. But Liam was anything but speechless. "How the hell would you know that? Don't clump us together with all the other sluts and douchebags in the school. Not all of us are like how you were in high school."

My mouth dropped open. "Come on, let's go." Liam took my hand and led me away. "Don't look back."

When we were turned the corner, he dropped my hand. "Let's just go back to class."

I gave him a look of disbelief. "You really think I'm gonna let you go? Heck no. Tell me what that was about."

He sighed. "That's Dr. Kerrington. I don't like him."

"Obviously. I got that part. I'm just surprised you're so open about it. And how come he didn't come after you?"

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter."

"You know I can keep bugging you right?"

"You know I can leave you here right?"

"So what? It's not like I'll get lost."

He snorted. "Yes you will. You've been known to get lost. It's ironic how you're the one saying I need help finding the bathroom."

I frowned, "And how do you know that?"

"It's not like it's filed under lock and key. People gossip. Word spreads."

"That doesn't make sense. Most people don't think I have a problem with directions..."

He gave me a look that told me to shut up. Which I did. For about 10 seconds. I mean, what do you expect? Two students walking together down a silent, echoing hallway. It's gonna get awkward pretty quickly. And if there's one thing I can't stand, it would be awkwardness.

"So you wanna tell me what's your problem with Jake?"

He laughed. "You sure you want to hear it from me?"

"Well, yeah. Jake's probably not gonna say anything voluntarily. And you're here right now. So why not?"

"He's my half brother."

*May 28, 2016*

So sorry for the delay again! I was just caught up with finals & everything going on, but now school's finally over! (I got out Thursday, which was actually a pretty sucky day in terms of weather. I walked around in Zona Rosa, which is a shopping mall, with hail raining down on me & my friends. And to top it all off, there was a tornado warning in my friend's neighborhood, so we had to crowd into the laundry room, which was anything but fun. Nothing's fun when there's a girl sitting next to you bawling her eyes out cause she thinks she's gonna die. But I love her anyways!) But at least no school means more time for writing, yay! And thanks to everyone that voted on my book, it really made my day/week/month!

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Question of the Day- When did you guys get out of school? & what are you looking forward to this summer?


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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