Chapter 4- Oh I'm Sophia, and that's Leonardo

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I turned to Jake with a raised eyebrow. He just glanced at me and walked back to the lunch table. I rushed after him. 

"Seriously. What was that about?"

"It's nothing."

I gave him a look. 

"It's nothing! Really."

I scowled, deciding to just ignore him. 

Bella laughed. "Oh man, I can tell she's already giving you the silent treatment."

"I'm not blind. I know her better than you." 

Bella gasped. "Not true! I'm her best friend!"

They started to bicker.  I sighed. This was getting old. "Seriously guys? We've already been over this."

They both glanced at me sheepishly. After a few moments of silence, Jake got up and headed towards the lunch line. 

I exchanged a glance with Bella. "Someone's moody." We hurried to catch up with Jake. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like?" Jake answered, without looking at me. 

"Why are you buying a lunch?"

"You dropped yours. What are you gonna eat now?"

I blushed. "Stop being so sweet."

"I'm your best friend. I gotta make you happy Soph." 

I melted internally. 

I was just about to reply when the bell rang. 

"Oh well guess we gotta go. No lunch for you Sophie!" Jake ran off.

I gaped after him. Bella just laughed and laughed. 

"I'm gonna kill him." 

"Why is he even rushing? He doesn't care about being on time."

I sighed. "He just doesn't want to ruin his chances on the football team. I've heard the chemistry teacher is hardcore."

"Oh right. Cut him some slack then. Football is important to him. I think he's hoping for varsity quarterback."

"Let's not talk about it. This is all I've heard about since middle school ended."

"Okay, but let's get to class. We're gonna be late." We headed off to our separate classes. 

I walked in just as the tardy bell rang. And as I had done in all my morning periods, I looked for a seat towards the front. But I swear I'm not a nerd! I just want to give the teacher a good impression. But sadly, there was just one empty seat in the back. I quickly sat down, just as the teacher started talking. 

"Hey students. I'm Mrs. Butler. This is World History, so if you're in the wrong class, I suggest you go find your class now." When no one stood up, she began her lesson. 

I tried to focus, but some idiot was kicking my chair. Which probably shouldn't be happening, cause I was sitting in the very back row.  I looked to the side, only to find Liam staring at me. 

"Can I help you?"



"What's up?"

I gave him a look. "What does it freakin look like?"

"I can't really tell."

"Can you just leave me alone? I'm trying to focus."


"Jerk." I retorted.

"Is there a problem back there?" Mrs. Butler interrupted us. 

I froze. But Liam was quick to answer. "Oh no, there's nothing going on. I just had a question."

"About what?" Mrs. Butler inquired. 

That was when Liam had nothing to say. I knew he hadn't been listening. 

I jumped in to help him, "He just needed to use the restroom. He was too nervous to ask you. You intimidate him, I think." I could feel him glaring at me. 

Everyone laughed. 

"I think it's just first day jitters. What are your names? Both of you."

"Oh I'm Sophia, and that's Leonardo." More laughter. 

"Okay, well it's fine for you to show him to the lavatories. We wouldn't want him to get lost, now do we? Boys have always had a poor sense of directions."

"No problem!"

We both got up, and right before I stepped out the door, Mrs. Butler winked at me. 

*April 19, 2016*

Sorry for not uploading sooner! My laptop wasn't working for about a week, so that was part of the holdup. But when I got on and saw all of you who added this story to your reading list, I was really encouraged! Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW!

Question of the Day- What's your thoughts on Liam?

& if you haven't watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, I suggest you go check it out!


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