Chose the best choice

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I realized that the baby was actually very sick and on the edge of dying. Jane has been in the hospital for about a week and a half now. She missed the shower but everyone came and brought a gift. The doctor told everyone to leave but family if that was fine with Jane.
"I know it's hard to say this but Jane your extremely sick, the baby's sick... We need to get the baby out of you before you or the baby dies. The baby will be premature but it does have a 50/50 chance of living"
Jane broke down crying
" you have a choice you can either have the Baby now and it be premature and maybe live or you can wait till you think it's fine to have the baby or when we say you can positively not hold the Baby anymore. But the chances of the baby living and you drop down more. There's a 35% chance you and the baby might live or you get lucky and both live or only one lives. You have and hour to make your decision. If you decide to wait you can wait 3 weeks no longer."
" I want to have the baby now, it's less of a risk and I don't want me or my baby to die"
" good idea well in about 45min we will be in and start your se section"
Jane broke out in tears, she didn't want this to happen but she knew that there was a choice and she wanted to chose the best one. Jane wasn't ready to be a mom, exspecially not right now. She was only young and had her hole life ahead of her. She knew just as much as any of us that she didn't want this kid right now. I don't think she would even be ready in 5 more months. Jane was always the girl who liked her free time and to sit back and relax.when you have a kid you can't do that. She liked to sleep in till 11 but with a kid you can't do that either. There's so many things Jane never thought of but I'm glade she's making the right choice.
" violet I know this may sound weird but I'm not ready to be a mom"
" well Jane you got pregnant on purpose. You wanted the kid"
" but I never realized the responsibility that came with it, I want to put the baby up for adoption, that way she can grow up right and have a good life"
" well I'm glade your being mature about it but once she's gone you
Can't get her back"
" I know and I was already talking to the doctor about it, it she's born healthy and lives there's already an amazing family ready to take her. They said I can come over and see her when I want to. So about once a month. They said they want her to grow up knowing who the actual mom is and so do I, log as my baby is healthy and happy"
" wow Jane you really thought this throw. If this is the decision you want I think it is amazing. Your being a responsible adult"
The time was flying by talking about stuff and the doctor walks in
" Jane it's time to go have your babies"
" babies?"
" ya not baby, babies"
" exactly how many babies"
" haha your joking right"
" no I'm not they never told me the genders of the baby or how many"
" oh well would you still like it to be a surprise or would you like to know now. Maybe you can change your decision then"
" ok tell me how many" she said shivering
" well your having..... Triplets"
" I'm what!!! There's no way I'm having triplets"
" yes you are and to be honest when you have more kids your more likley to need to have them early"
" what's the genders"
" two boys and a girl"
Jane started to cry. She was hysterical
" I want to keep them but I can't do it, and I can't keep 1 and not the other 2"
" you have a choice you need to chose what's best for you and the babies"
I walked out I couldn't do it. Jane couldn't look after herself let alone 3 kids. Anthony was sitting in the hall with his head in his hands.
" I can't do it violet, I just can't"
" well you can't leave her, she has kids so don't even think of that"
" neither me or her want the kids, and I don't know if I even want her anymore"
" what do you mean"
" we don't want the kids and I'm with someone else"
" so your cheating on her!!" I said in a angry voice
" no I'm not with her yet, I'm waiting till we break up. Which I will have to do soon"
Anthony got up walked into the room.
I heard a scream and he walked out of the room, down the hall and out the door.
I couldn't believe it. In a matter of 2 hours James life would be upside down. But I remembered something else. Jane told me she got a job offer to work in marine world with the animals. She couldn't pass that down, and if she had kids she would need to.
I was in the waiting room for a long time and I was asked to come in and say goodbye to the kids with Jane.
One family decided to take all the kids and we're gonna be on there way. They Said there goodbyes and Jane looked at me and said
" my plane leaves in 7 hours I better start packing"
I was right. I knew it! That's why she didn't want the kids she wanted this job more than anything. She was ready to say hello to a new life in Florida. Maybe and hopefully find someone out there for her. Jane took off her ring and got her bags and left the hospital. Next thing I know it were saying goodbye to Jane and she's going on a plane and probably not coming back. It felt different already without Jane. But this also meant a new life for me. So here goes nothing.....

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