Chapter 4

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      Brandon's P.O.V.
Dinner was amazing. The waiter put the plate of chocolate cake down on the table. I looked at Kalani who was smiling like a little 2 year old who just got ice cream. She was so adorable. She looked up as she put a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and swallowed. "Hey, we can split the bill when he comes-" I interrupted her "don't worry about it Kalani I got it" "are you sure?" She asked me, I nodded.
*Skip 2 weeks*

I stepped out of the cab with Kalani. Jessica and Mason stood in the grass on the lawn. "BUTCH!" Jessica yelled and clapped. Butch came running right up to Kalani. An "oompf" sound came out of Kalani as Butch jumped on Kalani. "Okay" she said laughing while holding butches paws that were now on her chest, all while trying to keep her balance. "I'm sorry, he knows better, Butch! You know we don't jump on people." Butch got off of Kalani and pranced over to Jessica. "It's alright, really, hey Jess" Kalani said with a smile. Jessica clipped a leash on Butch and walked over to Kalani. "Hey Kal" she said while hugging Kalani. Jessica grabbed Butchs leash and ran him up on the porch stairs and into the house. We all followed up the stairs and into the house. I closed the door behind me. "Come in the kitchen with me while the guys chill out here in the living room?" "Yeah, sure" Kalani answered. I glanced over in the living room where Tyler was drinking out of an Arizona can. Butch hopped up onto the sofa, spinning around and plopping down. He rested his head on his paws, closing his eyes. I sat down next to him, while Mason sat down next to me. I opened up my Instagram app and began to scroll. I came a long a photo off of one of Hayley's best friends picture. It was a picture of Hayley holding a liquor bottle dancing on a guy. A ping of anger arose inside me. Wow.... I can't believe I even dated her. I wasted a whole year on her. I just remember sticking up for her when the guys would make fun of her in the Locker rooms after practice. They would laugh about how she acted when she got drunk which was, more than just once or twice. Just then i heard a noise at the door. Christians head appeared through the crack of the door. "What's up, guys" Christian greeted us. "Sup' " we all said together not meaning too. Ashlee walked in behind him closing the doors. "Hey Ashlee" I said. "Hey Brandon, Kal here?!" She asked me. "Kitchen" I answered turning my attention to the tv. Christian just stood there. "Tyler move your ass over" he commanded. "Why?" "Because I can't sit on Butch and don't make me bring Jessica in here" we all laughed,  Fist bumping Christian. "Oh ha ha ha" Tyler mocked sarcastically. He scooted over and Christian walked over to the spot next to Tyler and sat down. Everyone was quiet. We all were all watching ridiculousness on MTV. All I heard was Butch snoring away and loud laughter coming from the kitchen.

Kalani P.O.V.
"Oh come on, my sex life is just fine" Jessica said to Ashlee. "Okay..." Ashlee said raising her hands up like she was trying to surrender. She took a sip from the red wine she was drinking. She smirked as she sipped. "WHAT!" Jessica giggled trying to get Ashlee to speak her mind. "Nothing it's just.... I feel like you play wifey too much. When is the last time we actually went out and got drunk together. You're drinking're a wine drinker, especially when I come over on Friday nights" Ashlee complained "Stay here" jessica said to Ashlee. "Ugh, Jess" she called after her. "Think I was too harsh" she looked at me puzzled "I don't think so, I think you spoke your mind" I admitted. Jessica came back in the kitchen with a cup. She stopped infront of me and Ash. "I was planning on waiting...." She said. "I haven't even told Mase" she pulled two blue sticks out of a cup. Our jaws dropped. Both sticks with a smiley face. "I'm 23, and a  senior in college and I'm going to graduate. Some things just happen though. 3 years ago I met Mason. I didn't even want children before then. We traveled all summer and for the first time we stopped using protection. I was on birth control but, I ran out 4 weeks ago." It was dead silent. Ashlee squealed and jumped up and down. "Why didn't you tell me!!" She almost yelled. "Shhhhhh" we both said at the same time. "Mason is taking me out tomorrow night on a dinner date. I plan on telling him." Ashlee hugged her. She just giggled, and  hugging Ashlee back. I stood there and smiled. "So Kalani....." Jessica turned her attention to me. "Tyler told me you've been around lately and going out with Brandon.... What's going on with that" she asked smirking. "I mean... We're just friends" I said. "He sure acts like it too..." Ashlee said sarcastically sipping her wine. "Ouhhhh, will there be another couple soon?" Jessica asked. I blushed looking down. "Oh he likes her alright, he-" I cut her off mid sentence. "You think so?" I questioned. "Uh duh!!!" Ashlee said to me. "You should have seen the look he gave you when he first saw you" she smiled. " I've never seen him look at anyone like that ever" she said to me "and I've known him since the second date me and Christian went out on. He was dating that... Hanna....Hil-" "Hayley" Jessica interrupted. Soundly I felt myself begin to speak "who's Hayley" I asked "his ex. oh, I never liked her. She always gave off a bad vibe in the whole year they dated. He would give her everything and one day while no one was back at the house he came home after practice and caught her in bed with some other guy...." Hearing Jessica say that made me feel some way. Why would anyone want to hurt Brandon. He's so cute and sweet and honestly one of the most interesting people I've ever met. Wait a minute...what am I thinking. We're just friends. He's so cute though. Ughhhhhh, I think I might like Brandon.

Hey beautiful people, chapter 4 for you as promised. I'm starting to move things along because I feel as though the story is out slow and boring. Sooo... Kalani admits she has feelings for Brandon.... 😏. More to come on this end. Last but not least, Jessica in the MM
Stay beautiful and Confident
-Destiny 😘

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