Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Skips a month*
"I mean I love him, we just argue you all the time and we haven't had sex in weeks" Alliya said through the phone as I picked up the dirty laundry in Brandon's room while he was away at practice. Sometimes I feel more like his mother than his friend. "Well, have you tried to do anything with him or take him out of the house maybe he's just stressed" I said as I started the washer. "Are you doing the dishes or something? that's loud" "oh I'm sorry I'm doing laundry" "oh okay, anyways how's the college life treating you?" "Pretty good, I'm of course tired all the time. Between practice and wanting to be a nurse." "Oh I know it, I have a surprise you probably won't like" i rolled my eyes " I think I know what it is" I said as Brandon walked in shirtless. "Is Aunt Katrina getting remarried" I said "no actually, she's getting her wedding vows renewed. I'm supposed to tell you that you need a date by Friday" I sat down on the couch. "How long have you known about this?" Brandon came and plopped on the couch, putting his head on my lap. I started playing with his hair. He looked up at me smiling. "Uhh... 2 weeks" I suddenly got angry. "And you didn't care to tell me?" "Just listen okay, dad will be there and Kalena and me and the girls and hopefully Eric but I promise it won't be that bad just find a date. I love you and be safe. I'll talk to you later" I sighed "alright... I love you too. Talk to you later" I hung up. I looked down Brandon was looking up at me

Brandon's P.O.V
Her thighs were like pillows. I could sleep like this. My body hurt and physically I was tired. I'm never tired of her though. He facial expressions changed and I could tell that she was upset. She hung up and sighed. She looked down at me and into my eyes. "Be my date!" "What" I asked her wondering if I was just day dreaming. "My aunt Katrina is getting married and I need a date to the wedding". "I would love too." I said feeling happy but disappointed. I know she only needed me temporarily. It makes me happy to be there for her and we would really just go as friends. Last month she told me she appreciated our friendship but I'm so scared to tell her she means more to me than that. She's beautiful to me. I'll tell her though. The night of the wedding. "Hey what are your plans for the rest of the night?" I asked her. She looked at me. "Whatever you're doing.." She replied to me. I lifted my head off of her thighs and sat up on the couch next to her. "I don't think you've ever seen my nerd side have you?" I mentioned. "Noooo" she said slow as she blushed. "Tonight! Me and you, this couch, and A Harry Potter marathon." she just looked at me trying not to laugh. "I'd never pictured you to be a Harry Potter Fan" I looked at her wide eyed. "Oh... You don't even know" she laughed. It was another one of those seconds. The world stopped and it was just her laughing and smiling. I suddenly snapped out of it when I noticed I was starring awkwardly. She just looked at me too. She looked away and cleared her throat. "I'm gonna go do that laundry" she got up. I reached my arm out to stop her. No... Stay with me on the couch and sleep for an hour or two. I've had a long rough day and my body hurts from practice and I'm sure you're sore too" she smiled and looked down "just my feet" she said. "Okay I'll give you a foot message" she sat down on the couch and laid back. I started messaging her feet as I watched her facial expressions as I messaged it. Sometimes she winced. "I'll be honest, I've never messaged feet" I admitted. "Well, you sure know what you're doing because you could be the worst foot massager in the world and this would feel the best to me because I've been on my feet all morning" we both laughed. I continued. I eventually stopped and she turned on the tv. I laid there for a while and watched her as she watched tv.

I listened to the microwave pop the popcorn, waiting for it to be done so I can put it in a bowl for Kalani. I started thinking about earlier today and her on the couch and how I felt like the luckiest person in the world for getting to be her best friends. Just then the microwave beeped, snapping me out of my thought. I took it out of the microwave and put it in a bowl. I walked into the living room where Kalani was messing with the remote control trying to get it to work. I put the bowl down on the couch and laughed. She turned and looked at me. "Let me see it" I said. "Naww Simmons I got this" I stood there for a second and trying to be patient. I walked up behind her, wrapping my arm around her trying to get the remote. "BRANDON IM SERIOUS." She laughed. She turned on her heels to get it back from me "Brandon quit being-" her sentence cute short when she realized we were only inches apart. I started leaning in and she started leaning in. I was in the heat of the moment and I couldn't hold back anymore. My lips brushed against hers. I was breathing the same air she was breathing now. I stood still as she closed the gap putting her lips on mine. At first I was shocked. She friend zoned me that night in her dorm room. I realized she was moving her lips on mine. I started moving my lips in sync with hers. I grabbed her waist and she grabbed my face then all the sudden she pulled back. "Kalan-" I tried to say something. "Don't! I think its best I go for the night" she grabbed her phone and walked to the door grabbing her key. She grabbed her shoes and opened the door. "KALANI WAIT!" I said trying to get her to stop. "KALANI!!" I caught up to her. She turned tears in her eyes. "What!" She almost yelled outside in our yard "I didn't mean too-" " I know" she cut me off. "This is my fault. We're best friends and I shouldn't have kissed you. It was wrong". I wanted to stop her but she turned and ran.
Ha! Cliff Hanger. Well, as usual comment and vote.
Stay Beautiful and Stay Confident
-Destiny 😘

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