III. School

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2 months?! Has it really been that long...woah. Anyways im sorry. I have no legit excuse other than laziness. Lol. Anyways pls do me a favour and go check out 

'zarrysupreme' her fanfic 'Bad Meets Good' just makes me moist and idk it's so good omg.

Anyways, on with the "Long Awaited Update"


*Chapter 3*

“Oh and don’t worry sweetheart, you will be seeing me again, real soon.” He yelled whilst driving back towards town.

Those words have been repeating in Vanessa’s head for the past three weeks. Ever since Vanessa got dropped off by Niall; her parents –more so her dad, - have been keeping a close eye on her, meaning no leaving the house. Vanessa thought it was absolutely pathetic. School started in two days, and even though she had clothes, she begged her dad to ask if she could go to the mall again. Which he surprisingly allowed her, and she walked her path to the mall, making a mental note to ask her dad for a car in the near future, which she highly doubt he would give her. Pushing that thought aside, she entered the mall, looking around at the different shops. Vanessa knew she needed new clothes for the start of her new school year which was fastly approaching within the next few days. She passed by Victoria’s Secret; blushing remembering what happened just a meer week ago. Nevertheless, she continued on with her shopping day. After her shopping splurge ended, Vanessa walked home towards her house with tons of thoughts clouding her mind:

Will I make friends? Will I get bullied, used? Will Niall be attending there too?

Niall. Even though Vanessa didn’t make a big conversation with Niall, she still found him always running through her mind. She didn’t understand why? They were polar opposites, nothing in common, but Vanessa was never one to judge, she always liked to get to know the person before even making negative remarks.

The next day went too fast for Vanessa’s liking, next thing she knew, her morning alarm blasted on the left side of her bed. She mumbled incoherent words her mother would throw a fit for using, but to her dismay it was time for school. Vanessa was never really excited for school, she loved being social, just not with the typical sluts and dicks that come along with the high school experience.  She was usually scared to start a new school year due to her parents having money, juveniles her age would typically use Vanessa for her money.

Vanessa put on her tan cardigan and hopped down the stairs to politely greet Georgia, her family’s maid. Vanessa didn’t like having a maid around, even though she loved Georgia, she felt like she wanted to be independent instead of having someone always on duty to her needs. She always though Georgia was a better parent than her own, Georgia has always been there for her, and knows more secrets of her’s than her own mother.

“Good morning, Georgia!” Vanessa chirped.

“Ah, good morning, Vanessa sweetie!” Georgia replied. “Ready for a new school year?” She added.

“Not really Georgia, I’m really nervous. What if people hate me? What if I don’t make friends? What if-“

Georgia cut off Vanessa, “VANESSA! Stop thinking about bad things that could possibly happen, just look at the positives.”

“Ugh, fine. And I’m not in the mood for breakfast, thanks though.” Vanessa sighed in defeat. “And I’m off. Bye!”

“Vanessa wait.” Georgia shouted.


“Your father is calling for you.” Vanessa mentally groaned.

“Alright, alright, I’m coming.”

Vanessa made her way down the hall, towards her father’s study.

“Father you called?”

“Yeah.” He mumbled. “Vanessa I’m warning you, good grades and absolutely NO boys. Got it?”

“Father I’m 16, I’m bound to get a boyfriend soo-.”

“NO BOYS, GOT IT VANESSA?” Her father growled whilst pounding his fist on his study desk.

“YES! Fine, fine. No boys.”

“Okay good, and where you going to walk to school?”
 He questioned.

“Well yeah?”

“That gives this family a bad image Vanessa, letting my daughter walk to school, when I could just drive her? Really? This is all about image, so you better give us a good one, dammit.” He scowled. “Now go get in the car, I’ll be there in 3 minutes.” Vanessa sighed. Within 15 minutes Vanessa’s father was approaching Mullingar High. Vanessa prepared herself, this is it, she thought. She opened the passenger door and told her father goodbye and off she went.

Walking into the tall, black, metal gates of high school, Vanessa observed everyone around the campus. She saw all the typical groups, yadda yadda yadda. She was about to walk into the main office when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and came face-to-face with the person she dreaded to see the most, Niall. Even though he saved her, she still didn’t like his company. He was bad news, and she knew that. But Vanessa, being the kind awkward girl she is, politely greeted him nonetheless.

“Um…hey Niall.”

“Vanessa, who would’ve known you would come to this school?”

“Uh well yeah, I’m here aren’t I?” She sassed.

Niall laughed. “I suppose yeh. Well since you’re new, how about we get your timetable and I’ll show you around?” He offered.

Vanessa found herself smiling, but quickly composed herself. “Yeah, yeah I’d like that.”

“Alright, well leggo.”


Vanessa found her day going rather smoothly, she found all her classes with ease, thanks to Niall. She even discovered her had Science and History with him as well. Once she approached history class, she walked in and everyone’s attention was on her. Now Vanessa hated being the center of attention, unless she was in dancing mode, then no one else mattered. But being up there waiting to be seated, she fet herself queasy.

They’re all judging me aren’t they? She thought, all of a sudden, a loud voice snapped everyone out of their stares. “Well what are you all staring at, go back to your stupid conversations!” Niall yelled. Everyone scrambled and occupied themselves. Vanessa walked over to Niall, “Thanks Niall.” She smiled.

“Ah, no problem Vanessa, come sit with me, I’ll make my friend move, yeah?”

“Err…sure? If it’s no bother to him?”

“No worries.”

Even though Vanessa’s father’s warning was fresh in her mind, she thought it will be very hard to say away from boys, more so Niall.


So how was that? Good? Bad? Crappy? I know, I'm sorry :( . 


Dedication goes to a lovely commenter. <3 

xoxoxoxoxox -Aly

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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